Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mercado De Forex Abierto 26 Dic

Pronóstico GBP / USD del 22 al 26 de diciembre

La libra británica tuvo una semana dura, como GBP / USD perdió cerca de 100 puntos. El par cerró la semana en 1.5617. La próxima semana es muy tranquila, destacada por Cuenta Corriente. Aquí hay una perspectiva de los principales acontecimientos que mueven la libra y un análisis técnico actualizado para GBP / USD.

La semana pasada destacó la muy esperada declaración de política de la Reserva Federal. Los analistas de mercado señalaron que las declaraciones anteriores de la Fed generalmente indican que la Fed mantendrá las tasas bajas por un "tiempo considerable", pero la declaración de diciembre cambió la terminología, diciendo que la Fed sería "paciente" antes de subir las tasas. La declaración fue seguida por un Yellen hawkish. Con un fuerte indicio de que la Fed podría subir las tasas en el segundo trimestre de 2015. Había más buenas noticias desde el frente laboral, como Reclamaciones de desempleo publicado otro lanzamiento fuerte. En el Reino Unido, la inflación sigue cayendo, ya que el IPC cayó al 1,0%. Las ventas minoristas mostraron un fuerte crecimiento, un 1,6%. La libra se movió más arriba después del informe de las ventas al por menor pero cedió la mayor parte de estas ganancias antes del final de la semana.


Dic 25, 20:09: GBPUSD: amenaza con una disminución adicional. GBPUSD: Con GBP continuando manteniendo su presión bajista más amplia, parece debilitar más en la nueva semana. Pero.

Dic 24, 9:44: Estados Unidos registra el mayor crecimiento del tercer trimestre en 11 años. Hubo algunas dinámicas interesantes en los mercados de divisas ayer, como los estadísticos cortaron en el crecimiento del Reino Unido y se añadió a la.

23 de diciembre, 15:42: Crecimiento del PIB mantiene la Fed en la tracción. La liquidación de 2014 ha facilitado una rutina cautelosamente optimista en los mercados de renta variable, con el sentimiento de los inversionistas logrando.

Dic 23, 10:09: Elecciones presidenciales en Grecia. Los mercados de divisas han caído en lo que sólo se puede describir como un sueño de fin de año, con rangos que se han reducido sustancialmente.

Dic 22, 11:49: EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY Análisis técnico, puntos de pivote & # 8211; 22 de diciembre de 2014. EURUSD Pívots diarios R3 1,2364 R2 1,2332 R1 1,2282 Pivote 1,225 S1 1,2199 S2 1,2168 S3 1,2117 EURUSD es.

Dic 22, 9:26: Semana de negociación acortada. El dólar se encuentra cerca de los máximos para el año a medida que entramos en lo que será una semana de negociación acortada. Sus.

Gráfico GBP / USD con líneas de soporte y resistencia en él. Click para agrandar:

Acta de la reunión del CPF: Lunes, 9:30. El FPC dio a conocer una declaración la semana pasada, al mismo tiempo que el BOE publicó su informe de estabilidad financiera. Si los minutos contienen alguna referencia o sugerencia sobre la política de tasas de interés, podríamos ver algún movimiento de GBP / USD.

Cuenta actual . Martes, 9:30. Este es el indicador clave de la semana. Cuenta corriente está estrechamente vinculada a la demanda de divisas, por lo que una lectura inesperada puede tener un impacto significativo en la dirección de GBP / USD. El indicador registró un déficit inesperadamente grande en el segundo trimestre, llegando a GBP 23.100 millones. Esto era mucho más alto que la estimación de un déficit de 16.9 mil millones. Otro gran déficit se espera, con una previsión de -21.1 mil millones para el tercer trimestre.

Aprobaciones de hipoteca de BBA. Martes, 9:30. El indicador ha estado en una tendencia a la baja, habiéndose ablandado durante cuatro lecturas seguidas y faltando a las expectativas en cada ocasión. En octubre, el indicador cayó a 37,1 mil y se espera poco cambio en la próxima lectura.

PIB final: martes, 9:30. El PIB terminará una semana tranquila. El indicador subió a 0,9% en el segundo trimestre, superando la estimación de 0,8%. Esto marcó la ganancia más fuerte que hemos visto del PIB en siete trimestres. Se espera otra fuerte ganancia, con una estimación para el tercer trimestre de 0,7%.

* Todas las horas son GMT

GBP / USD Análisis Técnico

GBP / USD abrió la semana en 1.5723 y subió a 1.5785. El par entonces revirtió las direcciones, cayendo agudamente a un punto bajo de 1.5543, como soporte sostenido en 1.5539 (discutido la semana pasada). GBP / USD cerró en 1.5617.

Gráfico vivo de GBP / USD:

Comenzamos con resistencia en 1.6130. Esta línea se ha mantenido intacta desde finales de octubre.

1.6002 está protegiendo el nivel psicológicamente importante de 1.60. Esto es seguido por 1.5911.

1.5746 se probó a principios de la semana pero sigue siendo una línea de resistencia fuerte. Fue un importante nivel de apoyo en enero de 2013.

1.5625 continúa teniendo un diciembre ocupado y cambió a un papel de la resistencia la semana pasada mientras que la libra bajó agudamente.

1.5539 se debilitó pero se mantuvo presionado mientras el par cayó cerca de este nivel de soporte. Podría enfrentar la presión temprano en la semana si el par pierde terreno.

1.5290 fue un cojín en julio de 2013.

1.5114 es la línea de soporte final por ahora. Se mantuvo intacta desde marzo de 2013.

Soy neutral en GBP / USD.

Con un calendario ligero de semana de Navidad tanto en los EE. UU. como en el Reino Unido, el comercio será escaso a medida que los mercados terminen el año y se preparen para 2015. Sin embargo, las emisiones del PIB en ambos países serán vigiladas de cerca y cualquier lectura inesperada podría afectar Movimiento de GBP / USD.

En nuestro último podcast, se agotan todos los aspectos de la decisión de la Fed, se habla de la caída del petróleo, la ruina del rublo ruso y la debilidad de la moneda:

Los mercados de valores europeos abren más firmes 29 dic

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Mercado de valores europeo sube 22 Dic

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Autor Tema: Están los Forex Mrkts abiertos en Nochebuena?

Son los mercados de divisas abierto en la víspera de Navidad?

El viernes 25 de diciembre y el viernes 1 de enero, los corredores de divisas en Europa, América del Norte, Australia y Nueva Zelanda estarán cerrados en cumplimiento del Día de Navidad y Año Nuevo.

Además, la mayoría de estos corredores cierran temprano el jueves 24 de diciembre (víspera de Navidad), y el jueves 31 de diciembre (víspera de Año Nuevo).

Habrá comercio en Asia en estas fechas, pero el volumen será excepcionalmente ligero.

Dependiendo del corredor que utilice, puede o no tener acceso al mercado de divisas en estas fechas.

Compruebe el sitio web de su corredor para su horario de vacaciones.

Como resultado del volumen extremadamente ligero en el mercado asiático en estas fechas, la acción de los precios de las divisas es probablemente más errática e impredecible de lo habitual. Podría ser sorprendentemente volátil --- o podría estar esencialmente muerto.

Si normalmente tiene posiciones de divisas durante el fin de semana, sea especialmente cauteloso al hacerlo en estos fines de semana de vacaciones.

Para los clientes de FXCM en los Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido y Australia, aquí está el calendario de vacaciones para Navidad y Año Nuevo:

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Noticias de la bolsa para el 26 de diciembre de 2014

By Zacks Equity Research Publicado el 26 de diciembre 2014 |

Los mercados terminaron modestamente más alto el miércoles en la sesión de negociación abreviada de banca en las demandas iniciales cayendo a un mínimo de siete semanas y ganancias en biotecnología. El Dow alcanzó un récord en la 37ª sesión y el Nasdaq también terminó en el green. Sin embargo, el S & amp; P 500 borró sus ganancias iniciales y un selloff tardío arrastró el punto de referencia en el rojo.

Para una mirada a los problemas que actualmente se enfrentan a los mercados, asegúrese de leer el artículo de Ahead of Wall Street de hoy

El Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) subió un 0,03%, cerrando a 18.030,21. El estándar & amp; Pobre 500 (S & amp; P 500) perdió un escaso 0.01% para cerrar en 2.081.88. El índice compuesto de tecnología Nasdaq cerró en 4.773,47; Añadiendo un 0,2%. El índice de volatilidad CBOE (VIX) bajó un 2,9% para situarse en 14,37. Un total de alrededor de 2.500 millones de acciones se negociaron el miércoles, inferior al promedio del mes hasta la fecha de 7.66 millones de dólares. La disminución de las acciones adelantadas en la NYSE. Para 47% de acciones que avanzaron, 49% declinó.

El Dow y el S & amp; P 500 habían alcanzado máximos intradía el miércoles. Sin embargo, una venta tardía ha erosionado las ganancias de S & amp; p & rsquo; s. Sin embargo, el índice blue-chip logró establecer nuevos récords. La modesta ganancia para el Dow fue suficiente para ayudarlo a alcanzar su 37º máximo récord este año. El Dow había cruzado la marca de 18K en su sesión de negociación anterior. Con ganancias del 3,9%, el Dow también registró su mejor racha ganadora de cinco días por delante de la Navidad desde 1991. La Bolsa de Nueva York y la Bolsa de Valores de Nasdaq cerraron a las 1 p. m. ET el miércoles, llevando a bajos volúmenes en Nochebuena.

El Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos informó el miércoles que la cifra anticipada de reclamos iniciales ajustados estacionalmente se situó en 280.000 en la semana que finalizó el 20 de diciembre, 9.000 menos que los 289.000 no revisados ​​de la semana anterior. Las reclamaciones iniciales estaban por debajo de la estimación de consenso de 293 000. Esta fue también la cuarta semana consecutiva de descensos. Además, las reclamaciones iniciales están ahora en un mínimo de siete semanas.

Los mercados también fueron impulsados ​​por las ganancias en las acciones de biotecnología. El índice NASDAQ Biotechnology subió un 1,6%, rebotando desde su caída de 6,9% en las dos sesiones anteriores. Celgene Corporation (CELG - Informe de analistas) subió un 3,3% y fue el mayor ganador en el S & amp; 500. Entre otros, Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD - Informe de analistas), Amgen Inc. (AMGN - Informe de analistas), Biogen Idec Inc. (BIIB - Analyst Report) y Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (REGN - Informe de analistas) aumentaron un 2,1%, un 2%, un 1,5% y un 1,5%, respectivamente.

Sin embargo, los precios del crudo cayeron nuevamente y arrastraron el sector energético a un nivel más bajo. El Sector de Energía Select SPDR ETF (XLE) cayó un 0,7% y fue el mayor obstáculo para el S & amp; P 500. El petróleo crudo de referencia de Estados Unidos cayó un 2,3% a $ 55,84 el barril. Brent El petróleo crudo bajó a $ 60.24, una disminución del 2.4%. Las principales fuentes de energía como Chesapeake Energy Corporation (CHK - Informe de analistas), Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM - Informe de analistas), Chevron Corporation (CVX - Informe de analistas), EOG Resources, Inc. y EPA Marathon Oil Corporation MRO - Informe de analistas) se redujo un 2,2%, 0,9%, 0,4%, 2,5% y 1,2%, respectivamente.

A pesar de la caída en S & amp; P 500 detuvo su carrera de cinco días, el índice de referencia es un 0,5% para la semana. El Dow y el Nasdaq también suben un 1,3% y un 0,2%. El martes, el Dow y el S & amp; P 500 habían alcanzado máximos récord por 36 y 51 veces, respectivamente, este año. Los aumentos fueron impulsados ​​por una mejor que la esperada revisión de los números del PIB del tercer trimestre. Según el & ldquo; tercero & rdquo; Estimación de la Oficina de Análisis Económico, el PIB del tercer trimestre aumentó a una tasa anual del 5,0%, más que la estimación del consenso de un aumento de un 4,3%.

Noticias de Zacks para (CELG, GILD, AMGN, BIIB, REGN, XOM, CVX, CHK, EOG, MRO)

Acciones de ExxonMobil que serán vendidas por Rockafellers Family Fund

Ganancias de PetroChina se estrellan en medio de caída de petróleo, recortan caudal

Gilead & amp; Los problemas de patentes de Biogen, las calificaciones de Amgen ganan en litigios sobre patentes

Dow 30 Resumen de Stock: Nike supera en ganancias, Caterpillar perspectiva decepciona

Noticias de la bolsa para el 24 de marzo de 2016

Otras Noticias para (CELG, GILD, AMGN, BIIB, REGN, XOM, CVX, CHK, EOG, MRO)

El fondo de la familia Rockefeller explotará a Exxon Mobil y se compromete a desinversión de combustibles fósiles

El precio es alto para Chesapeake. Nada nuevo aquí

Mi Cartera de Rendimiento de Dividendos del 4%: Una Recuperación en Valor A Desventaja en DGR

Tali de Eli Lilly recibe aprobación de la FDA: Cómo fue afectado LLY?

Proyecto de LNG de $ 40 mil millones en Australia cancelado en medio de precios bajos

Zacks lanza 7 mejores acciones para abril de 2016

Tendencia de los temas

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En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

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Precios en tiempo real de BATS. Citas diferidas de Sungard.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

Noticias del Mercado de Valores para el 26 de diciembre de 2013 - Noticias del Mercado

Por Zacks. com. Diciembre 26, 2013, 10:06:01 AM EDT

La sesión de operaciones acortada por las vacaciones del martes vio que el Dow y el S & amp; P 500 extendían sus récords impulsados ​​por números económicos alentadores. Los pedidos más altos de productos manufacturados, el fomento de las ventas de casas nuevas y un informe que reveló que las empresas estaban invirtiendo a un ritmo rápido en sus negocios actuaron como regalos en la víspera de Navidad. Los volúmenes estaban entre los más bajos para el año el martes y se espera que permanezcan bajos durante esta semana. Las existencias de materiales se situaron entre los principales ganadores.

Para una mirada a los problemas que actualmente enfrentan los mercados, asegúrese de leer el artículo de Ahead of Wall Street de hoy

El Dow Jones Industrial Average agregó un 0,4% para terminar en 16.357,55. El estándar & amp; Pobre 500 subió 0,3% a 1,833.32. Tech-laden Nasdaq Composite índice cerró en 4,155.42, un 0,2%. El índice de volatilidad de la CBOE cayó 4,3% a 12,48. En la sesión de negociación más lenta del año, alrededor de 1.300 millones de acciones fueron negociadas en la Bolsa de Nueva York. Advancers superó a los declinadores en la Bolsa de Nueva York, ya que para el 64% las acciones que subieron, el 33% terminó en el rojo.

El comercio se llevó a cabo hasta las 1 pm antes de las vacaciones de Navidad, pero eso fue suficiente para que los puntos de referencia firmar con nuevos registros. El Dow ha ampliado su récord en una quinta sesión consecutiva. Para el S & amp; P 500, fue el tercer final consecutivo en un récord. El récord ha asegurado que los puntos de referencia terminen el año con máximos plurianuales. La ganancia de 24.8% este año sitúa a Dow en el camino para el mejor rendimiento anual desde 2003. El S & amp; P 500 ha ganado hasta el momento un 28.6% y parece fijado para marcar su mejor año desde 1997. El Nasdaq busca la pista para su Mejor acabado desde 2009, ya que ahora ha ganado un 37,6%.

Ayudando a los indicadores de referencia hacia el norte el martes fueron los números económicos. La Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos señaló que las nuevas órdenes de bienes duraderos manufacturados subieron un 3,5% en noviembre a 241.600 millones de dólares. El salto superó cómodamente la estimación de consenso de una ganancia del 1,9% y también se recuperó de una caída de 0,7% en octubre. Por otra parte, el principal pedido de bienes de capital subió un 4,5% en noviembre, el más alto desde enero. Este es un barómetro clave que indica las inversiones de las empresas del sector privado. Así, un informe que las empresas estadounidenses estaban invirtiendo a un ritmo rápido trajo mucha alegría a los mercados.

Estas cifras significan que las existencias de materiales lideran las ganancias del día. El Sector de Selección de Materiales SPDR (XLB) subió un 1,1% y existencias como E. I. du Pont de Nemours y Company (NYSE: DD), The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW), Freeport-McMoRan Copper & amp; Gold Inc. (NYSE: FCX), Praxair Inc. (NYSE: PX), PPG Industries Inc. (NYSE: PPG) y Air Products & amp; Chemicals Inc. (NYSE: APD) aumentaron un 1,7%, 1,2%, 1,6%, 0,8%, 1,1% y 0,2%, respectivamente.

La publicación conjunta de la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos y el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano señaló que las ventas de nuevas viviendas unifamiliares se han reducido un 2,1% desde la tasa revisada de octubre de 474.000 a una tasa ajustada por temporada de 464.000 en noviembre. Sin embargo, la cifra fue 16.6% por encima de las cifras de noviembre de 2012 y también superó la estimación de un consenso de una caída a 440.000. Además, lo que impulsó el sentimiento fue que el gobierno revisó la cifra de ventas de casas nuevas de los últimos tres meses hacia arriba.

Además, la Agencia Federal de Financiación de la Vivienda informó un aumento del 0,5% en los precios de las viviendas en octubre desde septiembre. En comparación con los precios anuales, los precios de las viviendas subieron un 8,2%.

Algunas acciones de construcción de vivienda aumentaron, sobre el informe y la revisión al alza en las cifras de ventas de viviendas. Entre los ganadores, Lennar Corp. (NYSE: LEN), Beazer Homes USA Inc. (Nyse: BZH), DR Horton Inc. (Nyse: DHI), PulteGroup, Inc. (NYSE: PHM) e Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. : HOV) subieron 0,6%, 2,7%, 0,8%, 0,1% y 1,0%, respectivamente.

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Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestre Lectura anterior: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% y / y Pronóstico: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a Lectura real: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a

El Producto Interno Bruto es una medida integral de la producción y el consumo totales de bienes y servicios. El PIB es una de las principales medidas del bienestar económico general. Aunque los anuncios del PIB generalmente se ajustan a las expectativas, los cambios imprevistos en esta métrica pueden mover los mercados.

Un crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel elevado de actividad económica ya menudo una mayor demanda de la moneda nacional. Al mismo tiempo, la expansión económica plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden llevar a las autoridades monetarias a aumentar las tasas de interés. Así, las cifras del PIB mejor que lo esperado son generalmente alcistas para el euro, mientras que las lecturas negativas son generalmente bajistas.

Técnicamente, el Producto Interno Bruto se calcula de la siguiente manera:

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = consumo privado, I = inversión privada, G = gasto público, EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios, IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios.

Las cifras del PIB francés, denominadas oficialmente Cuentas Nacionales Trimestrales, se publican trimestralmente. Las cifras principales son variaciones porcentuales anualizadas del PIB real y nominal.

Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestre Lectura anterior: 1,0% q / q; 1,9% y / y Pronóstico: 1,0% q / q; 1,9% a / a Lectura real:

El PIB de los Estados Unidos es un indicador de la producción total (bienes y servicios) de la economía estadounidense en el PIB continental de los EE. UU. es la medida global más comprensiva de la producción económica y proporciona una visión clave de las fuerzas impulsoras de la economía.

Influencia del PIB en los mercados Si la cifra aumenta, entonces la economía está mejorando, y así el dólar tiende a fortalecerse. Si el número no alcanza las expectativas o cumple con el consenso, el dólar bajista puede ser activado. Este tipo de reacción está de nuevo vinculado a las tasas de interés, ya que los operadores esperan una aceleración de la economía, los consumidores se verán afectados por la inflación y, en consecuencia, las tasas de interés aumentarán. Sin embargo, al igual que el IPC, un cambio negativo en el PIB es más difícil de negociar; Sólo porque el ritmo de crecimiento se ha desacelerado no significa que se haya deteriorado. Por otro lado, un número mejor de lo esperado normalmente resultará en el aumento del dólar, ya que implica que una economía en rápida expansión tarde o temprano requieren tasas de interés más altas para mantener la inflación bajo control. En general, sin embargo, el PIB ha caído en importancia y su capacidad para mover los mercados, ya que la mayoría de los componentes del informe se conocen de antemano

Debido a la intemperie de este informe y porque los datos sobre los componentes del PIB están disponibles de antemano, la cifra real del PIB suele ser muy esperada. Pero dada su importancia global, el PIB tiene la tendencia a mover el mercado después de su liberación, actuando para confirmar o alterar las expectativas económicas. El crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel de actividad más elevado que generalmente se asocia con una economía sana. Sin embargo, la expansión económica también plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden conducir a un endurecimiento de la política monetaria.

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM) donde C = consumo privado I = inversión privada G = gasto público EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios

La cifra es comúnmente reportada en los titulares como un porcentaje anualizado, basado en datos trimestrales.

En una nota técnica: El PIB puede ser reportado en términos reales o nominales, ajustándose el PIB real a la inflación. El PIB en realidad tiene tres lanzamientos, como una cifra Avanzada, Preliminar y Final. La cifra de Advanced se publica cuatro semanas después del final del trimestre. Un mes después, se publica el PIB preliminar, seguido por la medida del PIB final al final del trimestre posterior al trimestre en que se informa. Como la medida más oportuna, el PIB avanzado tiende a mover a los mercados más.

Mercados, Bancos Abiertos Diciembre 26

Publicada: 11 de diciembre de 1986

La mayoría de los principales mercados de la nación y muchos de los grandes bancos de Nueva York dijeron que estarían abiertos el viernes 26 de diciembre, a pesar de que el presidente Reagan designó ayer el día feriado federal.

Portavoces de la Nueva York

La Bolsa de Valores, la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos y la Asociación Nacional de Agentes de Valores de Washington dijeron que estarían abiertas.

Y en Chicago, los funcionarios de la Bolsa Mercantil, de la Junta de Comercio y de la Bolsa de Opciones de Intercambio dijeron que estarían abiertos.

Muchos de los grandes bancos de la ciudad informaron que estarían abiertos si el Banco de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York no cerraba.

Un funcionario de la Fed dijo que probablemente estaría abierto.

Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestre Lectura anterior: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% y / y Pronóstico: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a Lectura real: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a

El Producto Interno Bruto es una medida integral de la producción y el consumo totales de bienes y servicios. El PIB es una de las principales medidas del bienestar económico general. Aunque los anuncios del PIB generalmente se ajustan a las expectativas, los cambios imprevistos en esta métrica pueden mover los mercados.

Un crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel elevado de actividad económica ya menudo una mayor demanda de la moneda nacional. Al mismo tiempo, la expansión económica plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden llevar a las autoridades monetarias a aumentar las tasas de interés. Así, las cifras del PIB mejor que lo esperado son generalmente alcistas para el euro, mientras que las lecturas negativas son generalmente bajistas.

Técnicamente, el Producto Interno Bruto se calcula de la siguiente manera:

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = consumo privado, I = inversión privada, G = gasto público, EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios, IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios.

Las cifras del PIB francés, denominadas oficialmente Cuentas Nacionales Trimestrales, se publican trimestralmente. Las cifras principales son variaciones porcentuales anualizadas del PIB real y nominal.

Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestre Lectura anterior: 1,0% q / q; 1,9% y / y Pronóstico: 1,0% q / q; 1,9% a / a Lectura real:

El PIB de los Estados Unidos es un indicador de la producción total (bienes y servicios) de la economía estadounidense en el PIB continental de los EE. UU. es la medida global más comprensiva de la producción económica y proporciona una visión clave de las fuerzas impulsoras de la economía.

Influencia del PIB en los mercados Si la cifra aumenta, entonces la economía está mejorando, y así el dólar tiende a fortalecerse. Si el número no alcanza las expectativas o cumple con el consenso, el dólar bajista puede ser activado. Este tipo de reacción está de nuevo vinculado a las tasas de interés, ya que los operadores esperan una aceleración de la economía, los consumidores se verán afectados por la inflación y, en consecuencia, las tasas de interés aumentarán. Sin embargo, al igual que el IPC, un cambio negativo en el PIB es más difícil de negociar; Sólo porque el ritmo de crecimiento se ha desacelerado no significa que se haya deteriorado. Por otro lado, un número mejor de lo esperado normalmente resultará en el aumento del dólar, ya que implica que una economía en rápida expansión tarde o temprano requieren tasas de interés más altas para mantener la inflación bajo control. En general, sin embargo, el PIB ha caído en importancia y su capacidad para mover los mercados, ya que la mayoría de los componentes del informe se conocen de antemano

Debido a la intemperie de este informe y porque los datos sobre los componentes del PIB están disponibles de antemano, la cifra real del PIB suele ser muy esperada. Pero dado su significado general, el PIB tiene la tendencia a mover el mercado después de su liberación, actuando para confirmar o alterar las expectativas económicas. El crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel de actividad más elevado que generalmente se asocia con una economía sana. Sin embargo, la expansión económica también plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden conducir a un endurecimiento de la política monetaria.

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM) donde C = consumo privado I = inversión privada G = gasto público EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios

La cifra es comúnmente reportada en los titulares como un porcentaje anualizado, basado en datos trimestrales.

En una nota técnica: El PIB puede ser reportado en términos reales o nominales, ajustándose el PIB real a la inflación. El PIB en realidad tiene tres lanzamientos, como una cifra Avanzada, Preliminar y Final. La cifra de Advanced se publica cuatro semanas después del final del trimestre. Un mes después, se publica el PIB preliminar, seguido por la medida del PIB final al final del trimestre posterior al trimestre en que se informa. Como la medida más oportuna, el PIB avanzado tiende a mover a los mercados más.

Declaración del FOMC: El alza de la tasa de diciembre sigue en la mesa?

Publicado el 5 meses | 6:01 AM | 29 de octubre de 2015 6 Comentarios

¡La Fed ha hablado! El banco central estadounidense cambió de idea acerca de las tasas de senderismo antes de fin de año? Y dónde va el dólar estadounidense desde aquí? Hey, que rima!

Como he presentado en mi artículo de vista previa de FOMC. Un escenario probable era que los encargados de formular políticas se abstendrían de anunciar cualquier cambio de tarifa por ahora mientras que mantenían un despegue 2015 en la tabla. Mientras que la jefa de la Reserva Federal Janet Yellen no dijo explícitamente que estarían apretando la política monetaria en su siguiente y última declaración de tasas en diciembre, ella tampoco rechazó completamente esta posibilidad.

En otras palabras, los formuladores de políticas del FOMC no pueden confirmar ni negar que está ocurriendo un alza de los tipos de interés de diciembre.

USD Índice 15-min Gráfico

Sobre la base de la reacción del dólar estadounidense, esto sigue siendo algo que la mayoría de los observadores del mercado de divisas interpretó como una declaración relativamente halagüeña, probablemente debido a los siguientes cambios:

La Fed dijo que los negocios y el gasto de los hogares es sólido de su anterior evaluación que es sólo moderada.

Incluso con la reciente recesión en la contratación. El FOMC sostuvo que "los indicadores del mercado laboral, en conjunto, muestran que la subutilización de los recursos laborales ha disminuido desde principios de este año".

La Fed está monitoreando los desarrollos económicos y financieros mundiales & # 8221; Por ahora, a diferencia de su declaración de septiembre, que dijo que las preocupaciones "pueden restringir algo la actividad económica."

Y aquí el pateador: funcionarios de la Fed insinuó que un poco más de progreso en términos de empleo e inflación podría ser todo lo que se necesita para dar la luz verde para una subida de las tasas en diciembre. Al determinar si será apropiado elevar el rango objetivo en su próxima reunión, el Comité evaluará el progreso - tanto realizado como esperado - hacia sus objetivos de empleo máximo y de inflación del 2%, & # 8221; Mostró la declaración oficial.

Para algunos analistas. Esto implica que un alza de tasas de interés en diciembre es el escenario por defecto, a menos que, por supuesto, desaparezca el siguiente lote de datos económicos de Estados Unidos. Tenga en cuenta que el Tío Sam tiene un par de informes de los PFN sobre el expediente, junto con dos series más de lanzamientos de inflación (CPI y índice de precios de PCE básico), antes de la reunión del FOMC del 16 de diciembre. Marca tus calendarios. ¡gente!

30 de octubre: Índice de precios de PCE de septiembre

Nov 6: Sept informe de nóminas no agrícolas

17 de noviembre: mes de octubre y CPI básico

25 de noviembre: índice de precios de PCE de octubre

Dic 4: Informe de nóminas no agrícolas de noviembre

15 de diciembre: Titularidad y CPI básico de noviembre

Aparte de estos, los próximos lanzamientos del PIB y los minutos de esta reunión particular de la política monetaria (debido el 18 de noviembre) también podrían ser cruciales para las tendencias de la divisa de Greenback. Los datos de Downbeat podrían trazar las esperanzas de un despegue de diciembre pero si los informes cumplen o superan las expectativas, los toros del dólar podrían seguir cobrando hasta el final del año!

Cuál es su opinión sobre la última declaración del FOMC? Está buscando una caminata de diciembre?

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Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

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9 de febrero de 2016 7:14 am

El comercio de ayer vio EUR / USD dentro del rango de 1.1084-1.1218. El par cerró en 1.1189, subiendo 0.40% sobre una base diaria. Ha sido la ganancia 14 en los últimos 26 días de negociación. El mínimo diario ha sido el más bajo desde el 4 de febrero, cuando se registró un mínimo de 1.1068.

Hoy a las 7:13 GMT el EUR / USD subió un 0,13% para el día de negociación en 1.1203. El par tocó un máximo diario en 1.1238 a las 3:25 GMT, sobrepasando el nivel de resistencia de alcance (R3), y un mínimo diario en 1.1185 durante la primera fase de la sesión comercial asiática.

El martes el comercio EUR / USD puede verse influenciado por el siguiente informe macroeconómico que se detalla a continuación.


Estados Unidos

Ofertas de trabajo

El número de puestos de trabajo en los Estados Unidos probablemente se desaceleró a 5.400 millones en diciembre desde hace un mes, según la mediana de pronósticos de los expertos. En noviembre se registraron 5.431 millones de oportunidades de empleo, o el nivel más alto desde septiembre. Este indicador se refiere a todas las posiciones de trabajo que están abiertas, pero no se llenan el último día hábil del mes. Los puestos de trabajo son parte de la encuesta de Apertura de Empleos y Mano de Obra (JOLTS), que reúne datos de aproximadamente 16 400 establecimientos no agrícolas incluyendo minoristas y fabricantes, así como entidades gubernamentales federales, estatales y locales en los 50 estados y el Distrito De Columbia. La encuesta evalúa la demanda insatisfecha de mano de obra en el mercado de trabajo. Un nivel de ofertas de empleo inferior al proyectado normalmente tendrá un efecto bajista limitado sobre el dólar estadounidense. La Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales publicará el informe oficial a las 15:00 GMT.

Niveles Diarios y Semanales de Pivote

Al emplear el método de cálculo Camarilla, los niveles diarios de pivotamiento para EUR / USD se presentan de la siguiente manera:

R1 - 1.1201 R2 - 1.1214 R3 (resistencia de rango) - 1.1226 R4 (ruptura de rango) - 1.1263

S1 - 1.1177 S2 - 1.1164 S3 (soporte de rango) - 1.1152 S4 (ruptura de rango) - 1.1115

Mediante el método tradicional de cálculo, los niveles pivote semanales para EUR / USD se presentan de la siguiente manera:

Punto de pivote central - 1.1072 R1 - 1.1333 R2 - 1.1506 R3 - 1.1767

S1 - 1,0899 S2 - 1,0638 S3 - 1,0465

Fundada en 2013, Binary Tribune tiene como objetivo proporcionar a sus lectores una cobertura de noticias financieras precisa y real. Nuestro sitio web se centra en los principales segmentos de los mercados financieros: acciones, divisas y materias primas, así como una explicación interactiva en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos e indicadores económicos.

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Ideas Forex Trading


La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Busque educación y gane experiencia antes de arriesgar dinero real, pero siempre recuerde, incluso entonces, su desempeño pasado no garantiza resultados futuros.



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Las acciones a vigilar para el 26 de diciembre de 2014

Viernes, 26 de diciembre, 2014 5:28

Algunas de las acciones que pueden captar el foco de los inversores hoy son:

Sony Corp. (NYSE: SNE) siguió retrocediendo de su decisión de retirar su película de comedia que representa el asesinato del líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un, según varios informes el miércoles. Sony alquilará la película, titulada "The Interview", a través de su propio sitio, junto con la Xbox de Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL) y la de Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT). Las acciones de Sony subieron un 2,21% para cerrar a 21,32 dólares el miércoles.

Las acciones de Adamas Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ: ADMS) subieron un 9,9% el miércoles después de que la FDA aprobó una nueva solicitud de drogas para Namazac de Adamas Pharmaceuticals para el tratamiento de demencia moderada a severa del tipo de Alzheimer. Las acciones de Adamas Pharmaceuticals subieron un 9,90% para cerrar en 16,10 dólares el miércoles.

Las acciones de Amira Nature Foods Ltd (NYSE: ANFI) subieron más de un 30% el miércoles después de que la compañía elevara su guía para 2015, citando la expansión del mercado en India e internacionalmente. Las acciones de Amira Nature Foods subieron un 30,10% a $ 12,75 en la sesión de negociaciones después de las horas.

© 2014 Benzinga. com. Benzinga no proporciona asesoramiento de inversión. Todos los derechos reservados.

Este artículo fue escrito por Monica Gerson de Benzinga y tenía licencia legal a través de la red de editores NewsCred.

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Forex Trading Guide: Australian Jobs Report (Dec)

Posted 2 months ago | 5:25 AM | 13 January 2016 9 Comments

G’day, forex mates! Australia has served up two back-to-back blockbuster job reports so far. And with another jobs report coming out tomorrow (Jan. 14, 12:30 am GMT), I made this here Forex Trading Guide for those among y’all who want to trade this event.

Por qué es importante este informe?

Forex veterans may wanna skip this part. But for the forex newbies out there (and veterans who need a refresher), Australia’s jobs report compiled and released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) are very valuable to both decision makers and forex traders alike since they give a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of Australia’s labor market. And gauging the strength (or weakness) of the labor market is important because a healthy labor market generally has a positive impact on consumer spending, which keeps the Australian economy supported.

What happened last time?

Employment change: +71.4K vs. -10.0K expected, +56.1K previous

Jobless rate: 5.8% vs. 6.0% expected, 5.9% previous

Labor force participation rate: 65.3% vs. 65.0% previous

If y’all can still recall, I concluded in my previous Forex Trading Guide that leading labor indicators were hinting at an upside surprise. And I also noted that there was a good chance that the October reading will be downgraded. Well, that’s exactly what happened.

Australia’s jobs report for the November period was just fantastic since it printed a 71.4K increase in net employment when the consensus among most forex traders and analysts was a decrease of 10.0K. The previous reading, meanwhile, was downgraded slightly from 58.6K to 56.1K. Anyhow, full-time employment contributed about 41.6K to the net increase in employment while part-time employment only contributed 29.7K, which is good since full-time jobs generally pay more and offer more security.

The increase in net employment was apparently enough to drive the jobless rate lower to 5.8%, which is great since it was expected to tick higher to 6.0%. Furthermore, the labor force participation rate increased from 65.0% to 65.3%, which implies that the downtick in the jobless rate is healthy since the Australian economy was able to absorb the influx of workers who joined/rejoined the labor market.

Qué esperan los analistas de divisas?

Employment change: -10.0K expected vs. +71.4K previous

Jobless rate: 5.9% expected vs. 5.8% previous

For tomorrow’s December 2015 jobs report, forex traders and market analysts expect a net decrease of 10K in overall employment, which should be enough to cause the jobless rate to tick lower to 5.9%.

Looking at some of the leading indicators, ANZ’s job advertisement survey printed a 0.1% decrease during the December period, but ANZ Chief Economist Warren Hogan commented that the survey results were “weighed down by the timing of Christmas Day” given that Christmas fell on a Friday, which is when ANZ usually takes its surveys. This therefore implies that the actual reading could have been higher.

Moving on, AIG’s performance of services index (PSI) tumbled from 48.2 to 46.3 during the December period, marking the third consecutive month of contraction in the services sector. Interestingly enough, the employment sub-index printed an increase from 47.1 to 48.6, which means that the contraction slowed down.

As for AIG’s performance of manufacturing index (PMI), it showed that the moderate expansion slightly slowed down from 52.5 to 51.9, but the employment sub-index printed a modest increase from 51.7 to 52.4, which is apparently the highest reading since December 2014.

Finally, AIG’s performance of construction index (PCI) sank from 50.7 to 46.8, but its employment index is still (just barely) in expansionary mode at 50.1. It’s substantially slower than the previous month’s reading of 54.4, however.

Overall . the leading labor indicators seem to be skewed towards an upside surprise, but do consider that a large chunk of the previous month’s job gains were from part-time employment, so downgrades to the previous reading is within the realm of possibility.

How might the Aussie dollar react?

Forex traders usually buy up the Aussie when the actual readings are better-than-expected. On the flip side, worse-than-expected readings usually trigger an Aussie selling spree. and looking at the chart below, you can pretty much conclude that the previous month’s better-than-expected jobs report was a textbook example of the former.

AUD/USD 15-Minute Forex Chart

Also note that the return of risk appetite and several pattern breakouts among Aussie pairs after weeks of severe Aussie weakness may result in a stronger bullish reaction, assuming that the actual readings would be better-than-expected, of course. And make sure to keep an eye on commodity prices, especially iron ore, and reports about China since they can sometimes overpower (or amplify) the Aussie’s forex reaction to the jobs report.

How do ya reckon Australia’s jobs report will turn out? Share your thoughts in the poll and/or comment below.

Can you please help me to understand what is this downgraded actually means? In november reading it is printed as 58.6K where as in decemeber it shows 56.1K. Why is this case. Is there any other report which traders not aware? Do we need to notice this change as well for trading?

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You must first understand that practically all jobs reports are surveys, so statistical institutions (the ABS in this case) only take a sample of the population – they don’t visit everybody to ask whether they have jobs or not.

With that said, surveys are usually reviewed and sometimes errors are found or new data comes to light after the report has already been issued. ABS rectifies this by revising their numbers when the next report is released.

Anyhow, the revised numbers are already in the report. It’s on page 10 of the November period jobs report that I linked in the write-up. As for the downgrade, it just means that the net increase in jobs during November was actually less than originally reported.

And with regard to your last question, the revised reading is not really that important unless the revision is substantially large or a net increase in jobs becomes a net decrease instead. But it does affect trader sentiment when it is released, so if tomorrow’s jobs report, for example, will yield a big jump in employment gains but the previous reading is reduced by half, then traders will likely think twice before buying up the Aussie.

I hope I answered your questions.

Thanks a lot for detailed explaination, Forex Gump. Yes it make sense

http://www. babypips. com/ Forex Gump

http://www. babypips. com/ Forex Gump

The jobs report came out about 7-8 hours ago, a few hours after you asked your question, so I’m a bit puzzled here. Perhaps you made a mistake with the time zone? Our website uses EST, but I used GMT for the release time of the Aussie jobs report. And looking at the 15-minute charts, AUD/USD’s fall actually stopped when the jobs report came out.

Regarding your last question, and assuming you are looking at the 1-hour charts, the AUD/USD fall you noticed yesterday was most likely due to returning risk aversion. This becomes apparent when you notice that the Aussie was weak against the safe-haven currencies (CHF, JPY, USD), but was putting up more of a fight against the higher-yielding comdolls.

http://www. babypips. com/ Forex Gump

Ah, ya veo. I thought you were referring to the current jobs report, haha.

And to answer your question, most Aussie pairs were actually weak since Dec. 7 due to a double whammy from general risk aversion and what Pip Diddy referred to as the December Commodities Carnage. Speaking of Pip Diddy, he usually writes an end-of-the-week summary every Saturday on the currencies that were on the move and what moved them. And regarding the commodities carnage, you can read more about that by clicking on the link below.

As for the spike, that usually happens when the actual readings are significantly better-than-expected. Here are links for two recent examples:

The follow-through buying (or selling in this case) after that tends to be more complex since reports about China, commodity prices, the long-term significance of the report, and overall risk sentiment come into play.

I hope I was able to fully answered your questions.

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UPDATE 1-China to test longer onshore yuan trading hours Dec 23-30 - sources

(Add source quotes, background)

SHANGHAI Dec 22 (Reuters) - Trading hours for China's onshore yuan will be extended on a trial basis from Wednesday through Dec. 30, three people with direct knowledge of the matter said on Tuesday.

During the test, trading hours for the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) will last until 11:30 p. m. Shanghai time (1530 GMT) rather than end at 4:30 p. m. as currently, they said.

All three people declined to be identified as they are not authorised to speak to the media.

Officials at CFETS could not be reached for comment.

Reuters reported in October that the CFETS would soon extend trading hours to overlap with those in Europe, one of China's reforms to internationalise the Chinese currency.

Dealers have said the change will also give international and Chinese markets more chance to react together to events.

"The test will enable the CFETS to be poised to extend trading hours early next year," said one of the people, adding that the exact starting date has yet to be decided. (Reporting by Lu Jianxin and Nathaniel Taplin; Editing by Kazunori Takada and Richard Borsuk)

I developed a "Market Barometer" indicator to help me with my manual trading systems. It measures 56 currency pairs in real-time to determine the "relative strength" of each individual currency. I thought it might help some of you with your trading. The indicator is a monster. It takes over 30 minutes to load, lol. So I'm hosting it on a dedicated windows server. Trading has been good to me over the years, so I wanted to share this. I hope it helps.

The basic idea is:

70 or higher = over-bought 30 or lower = over-sold

The possiblities are endless, have fun.

yeah. sigh. I've spent endless hours and $$ trying to "clean up" the indicator so it's easier to use, but no luck. It's very effective, it just requires a lot of resourses on the back-end.

Basically, it's running 56 charts in the background with 7 indicators per chart. I've tried to improve the MT4 caching function (pre-saved history files, etc. ) to speed up the indicator load time, but nothing seems to help. I have 5 Market Barometer running on 1 dedicated windows server (that's it) and it still crashes from time to time, lol.

We did try candles, bars, dots, lol. they where all worse than the lines. I am working on having each line in it's own sub-window. That might help, but a lot of folks have created trading systems based solely on the "line cross-overs". We do have a dashboard with numerical numbers, but it's important to see how the values track over time.

If you have any ideas I would be happy to try them.


I have some ideas, I know MT4 is not the excellent thing but still. mmmmmmm. you use only a simple correlation formula? And how will it affect your trading? How you proceed if there is a signal of some sort?

asi que. simple correlation? Do you use also a smoothing MA in combination? (some correlation indicators have that)

yeah. sigh. I've spent endless hours and $$ trying to "clean up" the indicator so it's easier to use, but no luck. It's very effective, it just requires a lot of resourses on the back-end.

Basically, it's running 56 charts in the background with 7 indicators per chart. I've tried to improve the MT4 caching function (pre-saved history files, etc. ) to speed up the indicator load time, but nothing seems to help. I have 5 Market Barometer running on 1 dedicated windows server (that's it) and it still crashes from time to time, lol.

We did try candles, bars, dots, lol. they where all worse than the lines. I am working on having each line in it's own sub-window. That might help, but a lot of folks have created trading systems based solely on the "line cross-overs". We do have a dashboard with numerical numbers, but it's important to see how the values track over time.

If you have any ideas I would be happy to try them.

I have some ideas, I know MT4 is not the excellent thing but still. mmmmmmm. you use only a simple correlation formula? And how will it affect your trading? How you proceed if there is a signal of some sort?

asi que. simple correlation? Do you use also a smoothing MA in combination? (some correlation indicators have that)

No, that's probably the "issue" with the load time. A simple RSI formula wasn't enough to make this indicator work. Smoothing wouldn't matter either. It's zoomed in all the way. It's the only way to make sense of the indicator and view each line. As far as signal: we send automated alerts via the Trade Messenger when a currency reaches 70 or 30. The Market Barometer (in my opinion) works best as a filter rather than a trading system. It helps identify "possible" turning points in the market. Then you would use your normal system (whatever that is) to enter the trade. It will increase your winning percentage.


Scalping Barometer Added (for FREE!)

We had several requests for a shorter term "free" Market Barometer, so we added our Scalping Market Barometer to our FREE web charts. Just like our "Big Picture" Market Barometer:

above 70 = over-bought below 30 = over-sold

You can view the free web charts and our Scalping Market Barometer here:

You do NOT have to register in our Forum to use these web charts. As always, please trade carefully and demo trade first, thanks.


it looks very nice & useful! I tried to open it in a smaller separate browser window that I could move around, I did open it with no problems , but by making it smaller didn't shrink the image size, perhaps a little thing to workaround on your HTML/. code. Nevertheless this worked for me to shrink it.

We had several requests for a shorter term "free" Market Barometer, so we added our Scalping Market Barometer to our FREE web charts. Just like our "Big Picture" Market Barometer:

above 70 = over-bought below 30 = over-sold

You can view the free web charts and our Scalping Market Barometer here:

You do NOT have to register in our Forum to use these web charts. As always, please trade carefully and demo trade first, thanks.

it looks very nice & useful! I tried to open it in a smaller separate browser window that I could move around, I did open it with no problems , but by making it smaller didn't shrink the image size, perhaps a little thing to workaround on your HTML/. code. Nevertheless this worked for me to shrink it.

Yeah, the only way to make the chart smaller/larger is by using your browser's "zoom" característica. On IE it's in the bottom righthand corner. It looks like a magnifing glass with "100%" next to it.


To avoid further confusion, lol. you DO NOT need to register in our Forum to use the indicators/web charts(Market Barometer). This Forum is much better, lol. Here is the direct link:

However, if you check out our Forum and free stuff, please visit our evaluation thread. So far all we've had visit the thread is someone who had us confused with another website, lol. help.

I have to be honest I went to your website, but if I had to look at those line crosses to see which pair I was going to trade I would give up in 10 min its just made me dizzy of 3 min of looking.


I have to be honest I went to your website, but if I had to look at those line crosses to see which pair I was going to trade I would give up in 10 min its just made me dizzy of 3 min of looking.

Lol, yeah we have a dashboard for our All Access Members, but it's not free, so I didn't mention it. To be honest, after about a week of demo trading you realize how important the histogram (lines) are. Otherwise you wouldn't know how long it took a currency to reach the top/bottom, if it's a double top/bottom, if it has a predictable pattern, etc. The Scalper is a mess (I agree). We developed that one for a few of our All Access Members. They've created a scalping system that required a "tighter" barometer. So we obliged.


thnx for the signal lounge its really amazing!

hope we can have it on our mt4 platform someday.

thnx again & keep up the good work!


To avoid further confusion, lol. you DO NOT need to register in our Forum to use the indicators/web charts(Market Barometer). This Forum is much better, lol. Here is the direct link:

Hi riffster, u said don't need to register, I already register, but i still can't find where the market barometer is.

What I find is "The Market Barometers are provided as part of our All Access Membership. We host the Market Barometers as part of our All Access Signals Lounge Charts. Simular to the Free Signals Lounge charts that we provide thur our Forum:

Free Signals Lounge Charts

The free Forum version has 5 different charts to view. The All Access version has 138 charts to view. & Quot;

Could u help where the market barometer is?

Forex Video Zone

Daily Market Roundup — January 26th 2016

January 26, 2016 at 12:37 by K. Prabhu

Further falls in the prices of Crude oil and Stocks especially in China have spooked the market again and have lead to a risk on sentiment. The EUR/USD pair is continuing to range and has been stuck between 1.10 and 1.07 for sometime. However a breakdown below 1.07 is now starting to look more likely. The GBP/USD currency pair has fallen again with some strength breaking down below 1.42 shortly after London open this morning. The USD/CAD pair has rebounded strongly following last week’s sharp fall. However the pair looks to have been held by resistance at 1.4314.

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Holiday Spread Betting Hours

We are not going to print everyone's opening hours. However FinancialSpreads. com's festive opening hours provide an 'example' of what you can expect. Please check directly for exact details with other spread betting providers.

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The Financial Spreads Customer Support Team will be open as usual (08:00 - 19:00) except for the following days:

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'Holiday Spread Betting Hours' edited by DB, updated 31-Dec-09

For related articles also see:

Easter Spread Betting Hours . updated 13-Apr-09 Easter Financial Spread Betting Hours. Ensure you are not caught out. The Financial Spreads opening hours provide an example of what you can expect. However please. & Raquo; read guide .

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About this page:

Holiday Spread Betting Hours A quick look at the seasonal trading hours. FinancialSpreads. com's festive opening hours provide an example of when you can expect the markets to be open. Please check directly with other spread betting providers. & Raquo; read from top.

The London Stock Exchange - LSE

UK Stock Exchange

A Brief History of The London Stock Exchange

With its formal creation in 1801 the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) is among the first of the modern stock exchanges as we know them today but with the history of its origins traces back for more than 300 years, the LSE is the one of the oldest of the worlds leading financial markets.

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Based in the City of London, the exchange replaced its governing council with a new board of directors in 1991 and became a public limited company in 2000.

The LSE merged with Borsa Italiana in 2007 creating the London Stock Exchange Group in its attempts to fight off unwelcome take over bids, including one by the Nasdaq, who built up a 30% stake in the British stock exchange, but ultimately the bid failed.

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Just 24 hours to go to get trading for a discounted fee – Currency Strength and Weakness for Tuesday 15th December 2015

Just 24 hours to go to get trading for a discounted fee – Currency Strength and Weakness for Tuesday 15th December 2015

Hi Forex Trader,

I make my suggestions every day based on where I see the market heading over the next 24 hours. Use my analysis below to aid your trading and to help you keep on the right side of the market.

My suggestions are posted by 6pm EST each day.

Overall there is strength in the NZD and AUD.

Overall there is weakness in the GBP, CHF and CAD.

Trading Directions I am favouring for the next 24 hours

IMPORTANT: These are not specific trades. Do not blindly place trades in the directions given below. Use your own trading strategy and look at taking setups that occur in the same direction as my daily analysis. If you don’t have your own trading strategy then email me here for help..


“12 Days of Christmas Sale” – Now Live! – Click Here For Details ….

From Dairy Farmer To FOREX TRADER

Blog de Forex

As you can see, the overall bias is bullish. Of course, 7 trading sessions is too low to be confident in any dependence, but the aim of this research isn’t a development of a trading strategy, but rather to show some interesting info about the Christmas Eve trading. GBP/JPY boasts the biggest total (and average) gain with 3 negative years (2002, 2008, 2009 but the losses were very small). GBP/USD has the lowest gain with 3 last years (2007–2009) posting rather significant drops before Christmas. EUR/JPY was the most stable on December 24 trading and had only one negative year for that day — 2001, losing 92 pips.

The average volatility is also the highest for GBP/JPY, but for all researched currency pairs it’s noticeably lower than the average volatility on normal days. And that’s logical, since December 24 has only 18 hours out of usual 24 for trading.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Forex trading on Christmas Eve, please, feel free to reply below .

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Metales preciosos

* Minimum level for placing Stop Loss and Take Profit orders from a current market price.

** If you leave an open position for the next trading day, you pay or you obtain the certain amount, calculated on the basis of interest rates difference of two currencies in currency pair. This operation is called "swap." In the trading terminal, "swap" is automatically converted into the deposit currency. The operation is conducted at 00.00 (GMT+2 time zone, please note DST may apply) and can take several minutes. From Wednesday to Thursday swap is charged for three days.

*** The average spreads shown here are calculated throughout the day. They tend to be narrower under normal market conditions. However, spreads may widen following important news announcements, during political uncertainty, unexpected events leading to volatile market conditions or at the close of the business day and on weekends when liquidity is lower. When you trade with us Trading Point is your counter-party. Your trades are matched and any next exposure above predefined thresholds is hedged with our partner banks (our liquidity providers) at the current market spread. However, during volatile and illiquid market conditions our liquidity providers quote larger than normal spreads. At such times Trading Point is forced to pass on some of the spread increases to its clients.

Calendar dates are indicative and are subject to change.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Originally posted by whitebloodcell View Post

I noticed that this tradecopier is also posted on the website below, but you have to pay there.

I tried using the version posted by dwmcqueen but it has issues transferring across order modification details. Losing the ticket number somewhere along the line by the looks of it.

Well done for the wonderful job dmqueen? But anyone know if this has been fixed??

I just visited the site and about to test the copier. I am prepared to add or contribute to any documentation or help in anyway I can.

It should be fixed - but please check out the EA from Subversion (but use the dll from the zip file). I haven't had time to wrap up a new version yet, but I did address an issue that may have caused this problem.

One issue that needs to be worked on is partial closes. This trade copier keys off of trade id, but when you partially close an order the tradeid closes.


where is the file that I can test it?


where is the file that I can test it?


can some one make it reverse the trades?


Trade Copier Reads Log File

Hey my brother developed a Trade copier that:

Reads a log file from experts/files folder then can open, close, adjust pending, modify Tp and Sl, Lot multiplier,

Trade from Master Mt4. (master Log File)- Use File Sync - Copies master log, and places Log into experts/files folder on ALL slave MT4 terminals.

The Trade Copier Ea, reads that Logfile, and trade accordingly. Lots of hard work. I am glad my brother is a professional programmer or else, this would have been a dream of mine.

There is no need for DLL. Still testing. and still working out some bugs..It works fine on my brothers PC, but I am still having a few issues. The delay is about the same as an DLL version. maybe we will be able to speed things up in the future, or maybe its my PC. I will check out this Other trade copier here..

Gracias por compartir. IS anyone still using this. and is the project finished (partial close).


Hey my brother developed a Trade copier that:

Reads a log file from experts/files folder then can open, close, adjust pending, modify Tp and Sl, Lot multiplier,

Trade from Master Mt4. (master Log File)- Use File Sync - Copies master log, and places Log into experts/files folder on ALL slave MT4 terminals.

The Trade Copier Ea, reads that Logfile, and trade accordingly. Lots of hard work. I am glad my brother is a professional programmer or else, this would have been a dream of mine.

There is no need for DLL. Still testing. and still working out some bugs..It works fine on my brothers PC, but I am still having a few issues. The delay is about the same as an DLL version. maybe we will be able to speed things up in the future, or maybe its my PC. I will check out this Other trade copier here..

Gracias por compartir. IS anyone still using this. and is the project finished (partial close)??

We canned the Trade_by_Log. It was almost done, but after finding this open source trade copier, Why not Use. eso.

I noticed that someone else has updated the last update from Dec 2009> We maybe modifying the code so:

We can attach to any chart to trade ALL. instead of 1 EA for each pair. Also, be able to add to it to several different charts to speed up execution. (tick driven Mt4) with out interference.

We canned the Trade_by_Log. It was almost done, but after finding this open source trade copier, Why not Use. eso.

I noticed that someone else has updated the last update from Dec 2009> We maybe modifying the code so:

We can attach to any chart to trade ALL. instead of 1 EA for each pair. Also, be able to add to it to several different charts to speed up execution. (tick driven Mt4) with out interference.

That would be nice if it wouldn't make it slower! To have it function on all pairs from EA on one chart instead of placing them on all charts.

Any success yet?


There have been a lot of updates recently, including only needing to attach it to one chart, proper handling of partial orders and the like. Check out the link in the top of this thread for the source code.

If you need a compiled version in a nice installer - see my signature.


Copy Trade for clients

Hello, i need copy-trade software for Meta Trader 4, but I don"t need for local IP. I would like send my trade in France, Canada, Hong Kong.


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

European Open Briefing

Asian stock markets: Nikkei down 3.40 %, Hang Seng fell 0.50 %, ASX 200 declined 1.15 %, Shanghai Composite closed for holiday

Commodities: Gold at $1233 (-1.16 %), Silver at $15.68 (-0.75 %), WTI Oil at $27.65 (+5.50 %), Brent Oil at $31.70 (+5.50 %)

Rates: US 10 year yield at 1.70, UK 10 year yield at 1.31, German 10 year yield at 0.20

Australia Home Loans (MoM) Dec: 2.6% (exp 3.0% prev 1.8%)

Australia Investment Lending (MoM) Dec: 0.6% (prev 0.7%)

New Zealand Food Prices (MoM) Jan: 2.0% (prev -0.8%)

Yen Movements Trigger BoJ Intervention Talk — RTRS

Japanese FinMin Aso: Gov’t Won't Be Swayed By Market Movements, Swift FX Swings Not Desirable — BBG

Aso: Will Make Necessary Response If Needed To Market Movements, Watching FX Closely, No Comment On Rumoured Intervention

Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda: Wont Hesitate To Take Policy Action To Meet Inflation Goal — RTRS

Kuroda: Japan Fundamentals Are Improving, Still Half Way To 2% Inflation Target — BBG

Kuroda: Negative Rate Impact Will Spread To Real Economy & Prices, Will Narrow Financial Margins

Abe Advisor: BoJ May Call Meeting On Further Easing — WSJ

RBA Governor Stevens: Still Further CPI Impact Of A$ Depreciation To Come

Stevens: A$ Rate Matters To Policy But We Don't Target It

Stevens: Unlikely We'll Be Raising Rates Any Time Soon

Stevens: Fall In AUD Has Helped Many Sectors So Far, Not To Say It Won't Fall Further — RTRS

Stevens: Labour Market Much Better Than Expected One Year Ago

Stevens: Inflation Unlikely To Cause A Problem In Next Year Or 2

The Yen weakened overnight after several Japanese officials expressed their concerns about the recent volatility in the exchange rate and said that they are closely monitoring the moves in the FX market. USD/JPY rallied from 112.00 to a high of 113.00, where it ran out of momentum and fell back to 112.70. Volatility is likely to remain high and price action choppy. The short-term tech outlook is clearly bearish, but BoJ intervention could always lead to a quick spike like seen yesterday ahead of the NY open.

Meanwhile, the Euro weakened slightly, along with the British Pound. The commodity currencies also fell against the US Dollar, with AUD/USD declining from 0.7125 at the Sydney open to a low of 0.7095. NZD/USD started the day around 0.6730 but came under pressure ahead of the Tokyo open and reached a low of 0.6660.

07:00 GMT – German CPI

07:00 GMT – German GDP

08:00 GMT – Spanish CPI

09:00 GMT – Italian GDP

10:00 GMT – Euro Zone GDP

10:00 GMT – Euro Zone Industrial Production

13:30 GMT – US Retail Sales

15:00 GMT – US Michigan Consumer Confidence

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Inicio & gt; Forex Analysis > FORECAST BY MARIUS GHISEA - NZD/USD (December 14- 18)


According to the MACD on 8 hour chart, the NZD/USD currency pair may fall in the medium term. A double top was above 0.67 in the short term. The first bottom was at 0.6580. This indicates that the second bottom will be at around 0.6612 where is EMA 200 on 8 hour chart. In this case, the price will fall and a new triangle can be formed at 0.6512.

The daily chart indicates a downtrend for NZD/USD in the medium term, according to the MACD. If the price reaches EMA 15 at 0.6661, NZD/USD will fall to 0.6541 where is Fibo 0.76.

Marius Ghisea – fund manager and advisor for institutional and individual investors. 11 years experience in forex market. Marius G. provides advices for long term investors with low risk strategies investments. Technical analyst at ProfitF. com ( Go to Ghisea Marius Facebook group >>> )

Latest posts by MariusG (see all )

FX News – December 4: Poor Australian GDP Drags AUD Lower

The AUD/USD pair fell yet again despite performing positively yesterday after the RBA's interest rate statement. From trading around the 0.9035 zone yesterday, the pair fell sharply today due to disappointing Australian GDP for Q3. From the expected growth by 0.8%, actual growth was only 0.6% compared to the previous quarter. Over the past 12 months, it only grew by 2.3%, which was lower than the expected 2.6%.

The lacklustre performance of the pair may also be affected by China's Services PMI for November. It came out lower at 52.5 compared to the previous month's 52.6.

Outlook of the pair fell even further after Australian Treasurer Hockey said that the "Australian economy is in second gear" referring to the slow-paced performance of the country's economy as of late.

The AUD/USD pair fell steadily at today's Asian session as it broke below the 0.9060 support, which could then open it up to further declines. The pair is currently trading at 0.9055, with initial resistance seen at 0.9188, followed by 0.9211. Meanwhile, initial support is at 0.9096, followed by 0.9074.

A selling spree of the USD during yesterday's European session, meanwhile, dragged the USD/JPY back to the sub-103.00 zone. From yesterday's highs at the 103.35 area, the pair sunk steadily until the end of the trading day. It opened strong during the Asian session, as it broke past the 102.60 area, but has since fallen down again. It is currently trading at 102.42, with initial resistance seen at 102.91, followed by 103.16. Meanwhile, initial support is at 101.49, followed by 101.24.

The GBP/JPY pair also had a similar performance as the USD/JPY as it made a steady slide during the rest of yesterday's session after a spike above the 169.00 zone.

The pair opened at 167.69 in today's Asian session, and is currently trading at 167.84. Initial resistance for the pair is at 168.50, followed by 168.92. Meanwhile, initial support is at 166.68, followed by 166.26.

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By FX Strategy Team, Published on 4th of December 2013

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Lesson 2: How Trading Works & Terminology

2.3 Risk Management

One should consider the risk involved in trading on the forex market. The trader is free to decide whether to take a conservative or a risk-taking approach in making trades. Conservative trading means placing fewer trades over longer periods, with smaller lot sizes, strict risk management, and modest profit targets.

One may use limit and stop orders to decrease the involved risk in trading. When placing a market order, many experienced traders already know the levels at which they will want to exit the trade. The 24 hour nature of the Forex market makes it difficult for a trader to make timely trading decisions, since large market moves may happen while he or she is away. Limit and stop orders automatically close out open positions (or open new ones) when price reaches a certain level.

Limit orders are designed to take gains on a position by closing it out at a predetermined price. For a long position, a limit order is placed above the current price. If a trader holds a short position, then a limit order will be placed below the current price.

A stop order may be used to minimize losses. For a long position, a stop order is placed below the current price. If a trader holds a short position, then a stop order will be placed above the current price. Also known as a "stop-loss order", its purpose is to close out a position in which the market is moving against you, limiting your losses on a trade.

Example: Euro vs US Dollar, December 7th.

Lets look at the figure above to examine a position that has both a limit order and a stop order attached to it. The pair being observed here is the EUR/USD. The position is a Buy, or Euro Long.

The limit order is placed at 1.3320 in case the pair moves upward and would close out the trade at a profit. The stop order is located at 1.3270 in case the trade moves against the direction of the position, and would close out the position at a loss. Closing the position stops any further losses if the price continued to head downwards.

Lesson 3 takes you through two sample trades to show how the value of positions changes over several days.

It should be noted that it is the policy of CMS Forex to attempt to honor all stop and limit orders up to 10 lots in size. However, for larger orders, and during extraordinarily volatile market conditions, it may become impossible to execute a stop or limit order at the intended price, and the next available price may be used to fill the market order.

Foreign Exchange Market Commentary


A dull Monday saw the greenback easing against most of its major rivals, gaining however against commodity currencies, as oil slipped from its recent highs. News coming from Iraq that production in December has been as much as 4.13 million barrels a day in the country, spurred fears of a continued glut all over this 2016. The macroeconomic calendar was quite light, with German's IFO survey showing that confidence remains sluggish in the country, as business confidence dropped to 107.3 from a revised 108.6 in December. In the US, the Dallas FED Manufacturing business index fell by 34.6, in January, following a 20.1 drop in December. With a bank holiday ahead in Australia, and no macroeconomic data scheduled in the region, majors during the upcoming session will likely continue depending on oil and risk sentiment. The EUR/USD pair closed in the green, but below the daily high established at 1.0844, once again holding in the base of its latest range, the 1.0780/1.0800 region, and the 50% retracement of the abovementioned rally. Short term, the 1 hour chart shows that the price is above a bullish 20 SMA, while the technical indicators have turned lower, but remain above their midlines, indicating limited selling interest at current levels. In the 4 hours chart, the price was capped by a bearish 20 SMA, around 1.0840, while the technical indicators diverge from each other within bearish territory, giving no clear clues on what's next for the pair. Some follow through above 1.0845, however, should favor a continuation rally up to the 1.0910/25 region, should the greenback remain under pressure.

Support levels:1.0780 1.0745 1.0710 Resistance levels: 1.0845 1.0890 1.0925


The British Pound was unable to attract investors, trading a few pips both sides of its daily opening from most of the day against its American rival. The UK calendar has been empty this Monday, but on Tuesday, BOE's governor, Mark Carney, is due to testify on the Financial Stability Report before the Treasury Select Committee, in London, anticipating some action for the local currency. The GBP/USD pair 1 hour chart however, shows an increasing bearish potential, given that the price has been below a mild bearish 20 SMA for most of the day, while the technical indicators lack directional strength within bearish territory. In the 4 hours chart, the price has been finding some support around a slightly bullish 20 SMA, currently around 1.4230, while the Momentum indicator retreats from overbought territory and the RSI heads south around 49, in line with the shorter term perspective. The daily high was set at 1.4280, and a break above it should deny the downward potential, and favor a retest of the 1.4360 high posted last Friday.

Support levels:1.4230 1.4190 1.4160 Resistance levels: 1.4280 1.4325 1.4360


The USD/JPY retreat from the 118.90 region, but the slide was limited by buyers surging at 118.16, the daily low. Trading midrange, the Japanese yen remains weak after BOJ's Governor Kuroda stated in Davos, last Saturday, that the Central Bank “won’t hesitate adjusting policy, including easing policy, if necessary to achieve our 2% price target,” fueling speculation more easing will be announced during the upcoming meetings. The technical picture shows that the upside is still limited, given that in the 1 hour chart, the 100 and 200 SMAs converge around 117.60, lacking directional strength, while the technical indicators stand flat below their midlines, also heading nowhere. In the 4 hours chart, the Momentum indicator continues retreating from overbought readings, while the RSI heads slightly lower, but around 60. The 118.90 stands for the 38.2% retracement of the 123.54/115.96 decline, and it would take a clear break above it to confirm a continued advance during the upcoming sessions, up to 119.70.

Support levels:118.40 118.15 117.80 Resistance levels:118.90 119.35 119.70

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Engaging in CFDs or Spot FX carries a high risk to your capital. You should not engage in this form of investing unless you understand the nature of the Transaction you are entering into and the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. Your profit and loss will vary according to the extent of the fluctuations in the price of the underlying markets on which the trade is based.

Contract Specifications

We at ICM Capital strive to be the world's best Forex broker andstrive to offer you the very best Forex and CFDs trading conditions. Please see below the contract specifications and terms and conditions for all products offered at ICM Capital.

Swap Policy

No swaps will be offered on any positions under ICM Standard accounts. ICM Capital reserves the right to discontinue an Islamic/SWAP-free account without warning. ICM Capital will invoke this right in case of suspicion of abuse, in which case ICM Capital may, at its sole discretion, decide to close all open positions in the account and deduct or add swaps for all transactions currently and/or previously made in the account and decline from accepting any further requests from the Client to be exempted from SWAP.

While using higher leverage can significantly increase your profits, it equally can work against you as it involves greater risks to your capital. If the currency underlying one of your trades moves in leverage will greatly amplify your potential losses. It is possible for you to lose more than your initial deposit so please ensure CFD trading meets your investment objectives and seek independence advice and trading style that includes the use of stop and limit orders.

Market Execution

With Market Execution, your order is matched within seconds and sent for execution via liquidity generated through ICM Direct offering you maximum price efficiency. There is no central exchange in the Forex market, meaning liquidity is accumulated via major Tier 1 global banks and top liquidity providers. With Market Execution you get the best available price currently on the market, what’s more there is an opportunity to open the order at a better price, this is known as positive slippage. Keep in mind, this could mean that your order is filled at a different price to the one originally shown.

Ejecución instantanea

Having different order execution types to choose from allows you to diversify the way you trade. With Instant Execution, you specify the exact price you want to execute your trade at. If the desired price is available, ICM Capital will immediately execute the order for you. Due to the speed of the Forex market there is a possibility that the price has moved, in which case the order is not filled and you will receive a new price, this is known as a requote. If this is the case you will have the option to place a new order according to new market prices or skip that trade.

Engaging in CFDs or Spot FX carries a high risk to your capital. You should not engage in this form of investing unless you understand the nature of the Transaction you are entering into and the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. Your profit and loss will vary according to the extent of the fluctuations in the price of the underlying markets on which the trade is based.

ICM Capital Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Register Number: 520965. ICM Capital Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICM Holding SARL, registered address: 121, Avenue De La Faïencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg. ICM Capital Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, registered number: 07101360. Registered address: Level 36, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB, United Kingdom.

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Forex trading strategy #16 (Capture Market Opening Pips)

Submitted by User on April 21, 2009 - 00:10.

Submitted by Philipp

I think many of you noticed that price move quite some Pips directly after opening markets in certain countries. So why not taking advantage of these movements and grab a few Pips? The only problem is how can you know in which direction the market will move? The answer is quite easy: You don't know.

And there this strategy comes in play:

Timeframe: 5 min or below Indicators: none Currency Pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY (I tested with these, but others should work also) Important Openings: Japan, GB, Europe, North America

You don't need to care about knowing in which direction the market will move. Just place a buy-stop at the high + 5 pips and a sell-stop at the low - 5 pips of the last few candles. How many candles you use depends on your timeframe. If you use a 5 min timeframe you use 1. 2 candles, on 1 min timeframe you use 2. 5 candles.

For stop-Loss there are two possibilities:

1. You place your SL 20 pips away from the price where the order would be hit. 2. You place your SL 2. 3 pips above the high (sell order)/below the low (buy order) of the candles you used to determine the price to open the order or SL described above, whichever is closer.

For take-profit it would be best if you just trail you SL 5 pips below (buy)/above (sell) the recent price AFTER price moved AT LEAST 6 pips. If you can't trail your SL that close use the closest possible distance and start trailing after price moved this distance + 1 pip. If you can't trail your SL at all you have to use a TP. This should be between 5 and 10 pips, as you can never know how far price will move.

If there is one or more pending orders which have not been executed till 5 min after opening of the national market you have to delete these orders and wait for the next possibility.

This strategy also works for news, but if you want to try it on news you have to be careful if your broker wides spread significantly. This would increase chances of losing trades enourmously.

Opening times of national markets can be found at http://www. worldmarkethours. com

When I have finished the EA I make for this strategy I will post it also.

One word of caution: The information about which currency pairs and markets to use took several years of research. So if you want to use another currency pair or market make sure you do some research bevore risking your money.

Submitted by Philipp on May 5, 2009 - 09:15.

After I got an eMail from one user who tried to test my EA I had to realize that there were still some bugs in it. I fixed those I found and uploaded the ex4- and the mq4-file on my server. If I find any other bugs or somebody reports other bugs to me I will update the files there.

Submitted by Philipp on May 6, 2009 - 10:58.

The information in the upper left corner (High, Low, Buy Order, Sell Order, Stoploss, Takeprofit) are no signals for trading. That is just the data which would be used for opening orders if there is a news announcement "now" (when these numbers appear/change). If you place any order manually the EA won't touch these, because it can only modify/delete orders/trades it placed by itselve. So if you run the EA you don't need to to anything, as long as you don't get any error (you will see that in jour jounal)/alert (a error window pops up) message.

Just some more general information: If jou have an EA (never minde where from), you will not need to place any trades manually from the information you get from this EA, otherwise it would be no EA but an indicator.

Market Waits on Yellen

Feb 9, 2016 23:53

Cascading downgrades in energy and financials persist but the Fed continues to point to China as the source of unease in markets. Yellen needs to demonstrate Wednesday that officials understand then potential economic downside to the commodity collapse. The yen stabilized in US trading Tuesday but may become unhinged again if the Fed plows forward. In the Premium Insights. the gold long hit its final target, EURAUD short was stopped out and last night's trade is filled & in progress. There are 3 trades currently open and are all in the green.

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The December JOLTS report beat expectations at 5607K job openings compared to 5413K expected. That may give Yellen a false sense of economic security heading into her testimony.

Markets and especially financials are sending a different signal. The market is convinced that energy and commodity companies will go bust and the focus is now on where the losses lie. The swift declines in financials, including Citi, BAML and Deutsche Bank, argue that traders are pricing in hefty losses.

If Yellen focuses on messages from lagging economic data rather than real-time market pricing it will underscore a lack of confidence in central bankers. At the moment, the S&P 500 is clinging to support form the Aug/Jan lows. If she doesn't address commodities, banking and disinflationary risks and instead highlights an upbeat hawkish outlook based on domestic data, then expect a breakdown.

USD/JPY has already faltered below 115.50 support and closed below it for a second day. Other key headlines from the IEA and EIA underscored the challenges to the oil market. Both cut demand forecasts and the IEA warned that production will continue to exceed demand by 1.75 million barrels per day for the first half of the year. Oil had been higher but finished 7% lower on the day.

Despite the drop in crude, USD/CAD finished lower on the day. The resilience of the Canadian dollar in February has been astounding and telling. A large portion can be explained by general USD weakness but the market is also having second thoughts about the idea of Canada heading towards a recession.

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Beat the Forex Dealer: An Insider's Look Into Trading Today's Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign-exchange market is often referred to as the Slaughterhouse where novice traders go to get 'chopped up'. It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hecticMore The foreign-exchange market is often referred to as the Slaughterhouse where novice traders go to get 'chopped up'. It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hectic trading desks. This palpable excitement has led to the explosion of the retail FX market, which has unfortunately spawned a new breed of authors and gurus more than happy to provide misleading and often downright fraudulent information by promising traders riches while making forex trading 'easy'. Well I'll let you in on a little secret: there is nothing easy about trading currencies. If you don't believe me then stop by Warren Buffet's office and ask him how he could lose $850m betting on the dollar or ask George Soros why his short yen bets cost him $600m not once but twice in 1994. What's wrong with these guys, don't they read FX books? In reality, the average client's trading approach combined with the unscrupulous practices of some brokers make spot FX trading more akin to the games found on the Vegas strip than to anything seen on Wall St. The FX market is littered with the remains of day traders and genius 'systems, ' and to survive in the long-run traders have to realize that they are playing a game where the cards are clearly stacked against them. Have you ever had your stop hit at a price that turned out to be the low/high for the day? Bad luck perhaps? Tal vez. What if it happens more than once? Do you ever feel like the market is out to get you? Well guess what, in this Zero Sum game it absolutely is. Covering the day-to-day mechanics of the FX market and the unsavoury dealings going on, Beat the Forex Dealer offers traders the market-proven trading techniques needed to side-step dealer traps and develop winning trading methods. Learn from an industry insider the truth behind dirty dealer practices including: stop-hunting, price shading, trading against clients and 'no dealing desk' realities. Detailing the dealer-inspired trading techniques developed by MIGFX Inc, consistently ranked among the world's leading currency trading firms, the book helps turn average traders into winning traders; and in a market with a 90% loss rate winning traders are in fact quite rare! More than just a simple manual, Beat the Forex Dealer brings to life the excitement of the FX market by delivering insights into some of the greatest trading triumphs and highlighting legendary disasters; all written in an easy to read style. Make no mistake about it there is a lot of money to be made in currency trading, you just have to know where to look. Sidestepping simple dealer traps is one way of improving your daily p&l, but it is surely not the only one. Successful trading comes down to taking care of the details, which means skipping the theoretical stuff and providing only up-to-date, real-life examples while sharing the FX trading tips that have proved so profitable over the years. By stripping away the theory and getting down to the core of trading, you too will find yourself on the way to beating the forex dealer! Menos

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over 3 years ago

The foreign-exchange market is often referred to as the Slaughterhouse where novice traders go to get 'chopped up'. It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hectic trading desks. This palpable. Read full review

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Higher longer-dated U. S. Treasury yields underpinned the dollar's recent gains against the yen, traders said, with benchmark Treasury yields rising above 3.9 percent on Thursday, in sight of last year's high around 4 percent. The dollar was trading around 92.90 yen JPY=, having risen as high as 93.15 yen on trading platform EBS last Thursday, its highest since early September 2009.

Before the key jobs report on Friday, investors will also scrutinize the Institute for Supply Management December manufacturing index later on Monday, which is expected to show a reading of 54.0 versus 53.6 in November. Also a private-sector jobs report and weekly jobless claims are slated for this week. The minutes from the Federal Reserve's December monetary policy meeting are also scheduled to be released on Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The dollar edged down from a four-month high against the yen but held firm against other majors on Monday, the first trading day of 2010, as investors focus on U. S. data this week that could add to optimism about the economy. Investors are set to take cues from the U. S. December employment report on Friday as well as figures from the manufacturing and service sectors. ECONUS

The main focus for market players is the direction of the dollar now that year-end buying is no longer around to give the greenback support," said Minoru Shioiri, chief manager of FX trading at Mitsubishi UFJ Securities. "And the reaction of U. S. yields to the upcoming data will be key for dollar/yen ,"

Although the U. S. currency maintained its firm tone, its upside against the yen was capped by Japanese exporters' selling, traders said. The dollar index, a gauge of the greenback's performance against six other major currencies. inched up 0.3 percent to 78.060. The euro was trading around $1.4285 EUR=, down 0.3 percent from U. S. trading on Dec. 31.

Higher longer-dated U. S. Treasury yields underpinned the dollar's recent gains against the yen, traders said, with benchmark Treasury yields rising above 3.9 percent on Thursday, in sight of last year's high around 4 percent. [US/] US10YT=RR The dollar was trading around 92.90 yen JPY=, having risen as high as 93.15 yen on trading platform EBS last Thursday, its highest since early September 2009.

Yen crosses were lower with the euro slipping 0.5 percent to 132.53 yen EURJPY=R and the Australian dollar falling 0.5 percent to 83.10 yen. AUDJPY=R The U. S. non-farm payrolls report is expected to show U. S. employers cut 20,000 jobs in December, according to economists polled by Reuters, after the economy shed a much lower-than-expected 11,000 jobs in November.

Data released last week showed the number of U. S. workers filing new applications for jobless benefits unexpectedly fell in the week ending Dec. 26 to the lowest level in about 17 months.

The data helped the dollar to rise against the yen to its highest since early September as it affirmed optimism about the U. S. economy. An improvement in Friday's jobs data could lift the greenback in the short-term, but it is still open to question whether the dollar will keep its upward momentum, traders said.

"The dollar seems to have a little more room to rise as an initial reaction to positive economic figures," said a trader at a Japanese bank. "But we probably need to wait before making conclusions on the dollar's direction, we should not decide after a single set of monthly jobs data," he said.

The dollar edged down from a four-month high against the yen but held firm against other majors on Monday, the first trading day of 2010, as investors focus on U. S. data this week that could add to optimism about the economy.

Investors are set to take cues from the U. S. December employment report on Friday as well as figures from the manufacturing and service sectors.

"The main focus for market players is the direction of the dollar now that year-end buying is no longer around to give the greenback support," said Minoru Shioiri, chief manager of FX trading at Mitsubishi UFJ Securities. "And the reaction of U. S. yields to the upcoming data will be key for dollar/yen ," he said.

Higher longer-dated U. S. Treasury yields underpinned the dollar's recent gains against the yen, traders said, with benchmark Treasury yields rising above 3.9 percent on Thursday, in sight of last year's high around 4 percent. [US/] US10YT=RR The dollar was trading around 92.90 yen JPY=, having risen as high as 93.15 yen on trading platform EBS last Thursday, its highest since early September 2009.

Although the U. S. currency maintained its firm tone, its upside against the yen was capped by Japanese exporters' selling, traders said. The dollar index, a gauge of the greenback's performance against six other major currencies, inched up 0.3 percent to 78.060. DXY The euro was trading around $1.4285 EUR=, down 0.3 percent from U. S. trading on Dec. 31.

Yen crosses were lower with the euro slipping 0.5 percent to 132.53 yen EUR/JPY=R and the Australian dollar falling 0.5 percent to 83.10 yen. AUD/JPY=R The U. S. non-farm payrolls report is expected to show U. S. employers cut 20,000 jobs in December, according to economists polled by Reuters, after the economy shed a much lower-than-expected 11,000 jobs in November. [ECI/US] Data released last week showed the number of U. S. workers filing new applications for jobless benefits unexpectedly fell in the week ending Dec. 26 to the lowest level in about 17 months. [ID:nN31170026] The data helped the dollar to rise against the yen to its highest since early September as it affirmed optimism about the U. S. economy. An improvement in Friday's jobs data could lift the greenback in the short-term, but it is still open to question whether the dollar will keep its upward momentum. traders said.


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Quite simply online Forex trading has changed the industry from the private domain once occupied by only the largest of the banks and brokerage firms to a place where the little guy can now compete with them. In fact, if the new trader to the market does there research and spends a little time at it they can set up a system of trading that surpasses what many of the major players utilize. The market for the commercial software Forex trading systems the novice traders are purchasing is on fire, consequently the designers and developers of these products are improving there quality constantly. Since the currency trading systems are so good new the buyers and users of these system are enjoying unprecedented capital gains often recouping there investment in only a few trades. Online Forex trading has moved to the forefront of market activities and is going nowhere buy up from this point on.

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Disclaimer policy (short version) Investment in currency exchange market involves risk. *FS4Y is in the business of teaching the dynamics of market trends as they unveil and proposing potential trading signals - not recommendations. All statements and expressions are the opinion of *FS4Y and are not meant to be either investment advice or a solicitation or recommendation to establish market positions. Our opinions are subject to change without prior notice due to the dynamic position of market trends. *FS4Y strongly advises clients to conduct a thorough research relevant to decisions and verify facts from various independent sources. *FS4Y cannot be held responsible or liable for individual market positions for trades that clients may enter into based on their own decisions. The use of information and links contained on this site by visitors or subscribers is entirely at their own risk. *FS4Y does not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever, that may directly or indirectly results from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, contained in the trading signals or in any accompanying chart analysis, whether communicated by word, or message, typed or spoken by any of its team members.

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The FOREX Traders Insight widget gives you an inside look at what currency pairs top traders are trading at the moment. This forex widget displays the top 10 pairs that are currently being traded by 1000 top profiting traders, including the percentage of traders who are selling or buying the currency pair. The Open Orders and Open Positions widget provides a 24 hour summary of open positions and orders held by Oandas clients. Confident trading Al Mendez (Chief)

How To Interpret These Graphs Position Ratios —Shows the percentage of open positions held for each of the major currency pairs. For each pair, the percentage represents the total open positions (both long and short) relative to the total number of positions held for all the major currency pairs. Note that the percentages always add up to 100%, even though minor currency pairs are not included in the calculations.

Long-Short Ratios —Shows the ratio of long vs. short positions for each of the major currency pairs. The left percentage shows long positions; the right percentage shows short positions.

Open Orders . A snapshot of the trigger points for all open orders held by OANDA clients (meaning limit orders and Stop/Loss or Take/Profit orders on open trades). This information could be interpreted as an indicator of the client price expectations that are contributing to natural resistance and support levels .

The graph is divided into quadrants showing whether orders are Buy vs. Sell and also whether trigger price points are below or above the market price at the time the snapshot was taken. Number of orders at each price level is shown as a percentage of the maximum number of all open orders (both buy and sell) during the past 24 hours.

Open Positions: A snapshot of the entry prices for all open positions currently held by OANDA’s clients. This information could be interpreted as an indicator of market reaction to price changes and the pressure on prices due to unrealized profit and loss.

The graph is divided into quadrants showing whether positions are long or short and also whether entry price points are below or above the market price at the time the snapshot was taken. Number of positions at each price level is shown as a percentage of the maximum number of all open positions during the past 24 hours.

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Randall | March 14, 2016

UK gambling giants Ladbrokes and William Hill released their financial results for 2015 last week. Not a surprise for anyone following the news that both were hit hard by the freshly implemented UK point-of-consumption tax (POCT). If you are not in the know, let me quickly bring you up to speed. The 15% tax applies to all bets placed from the UK, regardless of where the operator of the service is based. Prior to 2015 this was not the case and online gambling in Britain was regulated at the point of supply and not of consumption. After some serious battling from the side of gambling operators. the tax was finally implemented in late 2014. This year we are seeing the first results for bookmakers.

Looking at the online performance of the operators, Ladbrokes dipped £23.8m down compared to last year and for William Hills that is £126.5m (representing 29% drop in profit). Let’s analyse the results for each operator and try draw some conclusions.

For Ladbrokes the change was quite big in a negative way – a staggering £20.7m loss was reported last Tuesday, compared to the £17.3m profit for 2014. The operator assigned some of the drop to higher expenses in marketing, but still, the results are quite appalling. The increase in machine gaming duty (MGD) for land-based gambling from 20% to 25% in the UK has also had its share. On the bright side however, the online side of the business has grown 13% to £242.8m and presently represents 20% of Ladbrokes net revenue of £1.2bn.

In the case of William Hill, who made their financial results public on Friday, there were a total of 108 shops closed in land, to try and compensate for the losses due to the new taxations introduced. In a similar manner though, regardless of the losses suffered overall, the sales online skyrocketed 147% to £126.1m. This was a significant boost and a large percentage of the total operating profit, which if we were to not count the duties would have totaled at £291.4m.

If we were to imagine the results of both before and after the new tax implemented, we can easily see the significance of the difference.

Wiliam Hill Net revenue with POCT £550.7m ↑4% Net revenue without POCT £648m ↑23% Ladbrokes Net revenue with POCT £242.8m ↑13% Net revenue without POCT £286m ↑33%

To do the maths for the British government, from those two bookmakers alone, they have pocketed £140.5m. It will be interesting to see if the results for the rest of the UK based operators will reflect similar tendencies. Important to note is also that this is the last year we will have to compare an year without the new tax being in place to an year where it has been. In 2017 we will be looking at two full years of POCT. As it stands it seems that operators will be focusing on online gambling as it seems to be one that is keeping the numbers in the green.

Randall | February 26, 2016

Strange things are happening in the world of bookmakers at the moment. Sworn enemies are suddenly expressing a new found fondness for each other. It’s almost as if we have time travelled back to the 1960’s and are experiencing a new summer of love.

The news about the proposed merger between Coral and Ladbrokes comes soon after Paddy Power and Betfair overcame their regulatory hurdles and joined forces. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority cleared the deal in December and the first shares in Paddy Power Betfair plc were listed for trading on the London Stock Exchange and Irish Stock Exchange on February 2nd 2016.

The £5 billion-plus merger between Betfair and Paddy Power was announced in August, with shareholders of both firms giving their approval in December. Paddy Power shareholders will own 52 per cent of the new business, with the remainder held by Betfair.

The merger between Coral and Ladbrokes is however likely to attract much more restrictions and attention due to the market share a deal between the two companies would obtain.

The UK’s competition regulator has already expressed concern and stated in its initial investigation that a merger would create a “substantial lessening of competition” within fixed odds betting on the high street. The regulator agreed to “fast track” its second part of the investigation, which will focus on the impact on local competition for sportsbook operators.

Certainly not everyone is happy, many players fear that the merger between Coral and Ladbrokes will lead to an inferior betting bonus offer for new customers. Others think that existing bonuses will be drastically reduced due to the lack of competition within the industry. Some are questioning if the merger will mean less variance in the odds that are available both in shops and online.

Many of Ladbrokes shareholders are also not too enthusiastic about the potential marriage of two of the biggest names in betting. Dermot Desmond who is an International Investment and Underwriting Consultant and also a shareholder in Ladbrokes has launched a campaign “say no to Coral”. He has also written an impassioned letter to all Ladbrokes shareholders explaining why this merger is particularly bad for Ladbrokes.

Mr Desmond is particularly stinging in his assessment, “Ladbrokes has a great brand but, unlike Coral, has failed to migrate its customers online. Ladbrokes needs a new management team to achieve this. However, giving away half your company and taking on over £800m of debt is a very expensive way to recruit a quality management team.”

Mr Desmond also insinuates that the stock market is also against the merger with his comment, “Since the announcement on 24 July, the Ladbrokes share price has fallen 16% from 130p to 109p, wiping out a further c. £200m in shareholder value, indicating the market’s view on the proposed transaction. In contrast, since the announcement of the Paddy Power/Betfair merger, their share prices have increased 35% and 20% respectively.”

Some of the biggest winners out of this merger may well be direct competitors of Coral and Ladbrokes. Companies such as Betfred, Paddy Power and Boylesports will be rubbing their hand in glee if, as expected, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority forces them to sell off between 400 and 1,000 betting shops. This sell off is likely to be below market price and when you consider that a quarter of Coral’s profits are realised from the highly controversial Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBT) in their shops, this may just be the start of Coral and Ladbrokes’ problems, not the end of them!

Randall | November 20, 2015

Randall | October 13, 2015

If someone comes up to you and says “Yo, man, give me a couple thousand pounds, I’ll just hop by the casino across the street and win some cash and then I’ll return it to you”, your first response probably shouldn’t be “That’s a great idea, why didn’t I think of that!” Sadly, two workers at McDonald’s Oxford Street branch had to learn this important life lesson the hard way after being caught taking money from the safe and handing them over to friends, who proceeded to place high-rolling bets in the Genting Club across the street. After they won, they would keep the earnings for themselves before returning the original amount to be placed back in the safe, leaving no one the wiser. If you have even a little bit of common sense, you’d soon realize that this plan has one fatal flaw – once the casino players begin losing money, which would inevitably happen no matter how good you are, the entire scam would be uncovered. Surprise surprise, this is exactly what happened – once the two employees found themselves unable to return the appropriate amount into the safe, they were quickly caught by the van driver charged with transporting the amount. Hurray for security cameras, catching idiotic employees in the act since 1942!

As soon as they found out about what had been going on, the management immediately sacked the two employees before filing charges against them. Their identities haven’t been confirmed, as the investigators have left the matter largely in the hands of McDonald’s, who appear to have decided not to press charges. Had they opted to go to court, the employees would’ve faced hefty fines or even jail time if (or rather, when) they were found guilty. “It was pretty stupid. They were always going to get caught once they started losing”, an employee of McDonald’s and a (now former) colleague of the perpetrators said. Apparently everyone at the restaurant knew what the two had been doing, claiming that such mishandling of money by the two employees “had been happening regularly”. The firing of the employees was confirmed by a McDonald’s spokesperson, who also stated that an internal investigation was currently underway to determine just how much money was missing (the amount is speculated to be in the thousands, but that has yet to be confirmed).

Remember, children – always play casino with your own money. The satisfaction is greater, the risks are lower (the worst that can happen is you lose some money – at least you won’t go to jail) and, most importantly, it won’t require you to work at McDonald’s. Now get out there and enjoy some casino games with money that hasn’t been stolen from your company’s safe!

Randall | September 11, 2015

In the world of online betting and casino, companies merge all the time. Considering how competitive the market is and just how many companies have a hand in the iGaming pie, that’s not exactly surprising. Once companies start getting too many to sustain a viable market environment, some of them need to go, and buyouts are a way to do that in which everyone wins. Coral merged with Ladbrokes. Betfair merged with Paddy Power (most likely to create Betty Power, as Paddy Power’s Twitter quipped), and now Bwin (also spelled bwin), owners of FoxyBingo, PartyPoker and PartyCasino (among others), are on the fast track to merge with GVC (owners of big bookies and casino sites like SportingBet and Casino Club) after the latter made a £1.1 billion offer.

The betting war between 888 Holdings and GVC has been going on for quite a while now. As the Guardian reported. at one point 888 were even sure that they would win, but ultimately it wasn’t meant to be, with GVC increasing their offer to the aforementioned sum and offering substantial benefits. Not content with that turn of events, 888 continued to increase their offer, claiming that in the long run there would be more benefits, but Bwin just couldn’t afford to wait that long if they wanted to keep all of their staff employed (which, honestly, is quite understandable and commendable). At the end of the day, Bwin employs over 2,000 people on 3 continents, so letting even just 10% or 20% go would still mean hundreds of people left jobless, which wasn’t an ideal scenario for anybody.

Philip Yea, chairman of Bwin, shared his difficulty with choosing between the bidders, implying that it was really a question of potential long-term benefits from 888 and guaranteed short-term ones from GVC. “It really has been a question of balancing some very fine judgments at the margin”, he explained. It’s important to note that the modern version of Bwin was already created from a merger between the old version and Party Gaming, so the management staff have experience with this sort of thing and we should presume that they were fully aware of all the implications and complications picking GVC over 888 would have in the next 5 to 10 years.

According to many (experts and players alike), 888 is considered to be the best online casino, overshadowing even older giants such as William Hill and Ladbrokes. 888’s expansion was quick and violent, with the company climbing up to the top in only 18 years – significantly shorter than it took the over 80 year old William Hill. As such, it’s a rather safe bet that Bwin would’ve been in pretty good hands with them. But, as stated above, accepting 888’s (smaller) offer would’ve meant releasing a part of Bwin’s staff. So despite the fact that their future might be a little bit harder (though of course that’s not a given – GVC have also proven themselves to be quite reliable), Bwin really deserve a round of applause for placing their employees first and foremost.

Randall | July 30, 2015

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

My name is Randall Riley and I was born on 7th January 1973 in Burnley, UK. I have a bachelor’s degree in Economics and MBA with specialization in international business.

I’ve been involved in the online Forex world for the last couple of years and the main reason for that is my current job position – I work as a Foreign Currency and Investment Advisor for a Forex advisory company.

What Excites Me about Forex Markets?

My career as an Investment Advisor is both exciting and fast-paced. As you know, the currency markets work 24/7 and sometimes it requires working extra hours and thus I don’t have regular working time. However, the environment is pretty challenging and dynamic, which is the best part. Some of the things that I find most exciting about my career is the connection with the global financial markets. The action-packed atmosphere is quite appealing to me, so it was easy to take this path.

Three Reasons to Start Forex Trading and Why I Started a Blog

Forex Markets can be a very profitable niche to trade on, you just have to know how to trade with different currencies. I’ll list you three reasons why you should consider investing in FX.

The Market is open 24/7 – there are no boundaries in front of you, the market never sleeps and you can enter it and trade any time you wish.

Unlimited winning potential – it is basically the largest market in the world and you can enter it any time as long as you have internet connection. Merely £1.5 trillions have been turned over every day, so the profit chances are limitless!

You’re not dependent on the market conditions – once you buy a currency, depending on the market conditions you can choose whether to buy it or sell it.

Forex trading is the perfect niche for extra investments and making some good profits. I decided to start a forex blog, where I can share my experience as a professional financial advisor and help other financial enthusiasts explore more investment opportunities. I will regularly publish news, related to forex trading forecasts and predictions and you will get the best tips how to succeed on the market.

Online Forex Trading

I am here to share some knowledge, tips, strategies and insights of how to successfully buy, sell, trade and invest in online Forex trading. FOREX or Foreign Exchange is the largest as well as the most liquid trading market in the world and there are many people involved in FOREX trading all over the world. A lot of people claim that the FOREX is the best home business that could be pursued by any person. With each day, more and more are turning to FOREX traders, via electronic means of computer and internet connectivity. This means that foreign exchange is not delivered to a person who actually buys like stock trading, FOREX trading also has day traders that purchase and sell foreign exchange same day. Thus, FOREX is not a get-rich-quick scheme as many people thought which complicates the real concept of online Forex trading. Unlike stocks and futures that trade through exchanges, Forex trading is done through market makers that include major banks as well as small to large brokerage firms located around the world who collectively make a market on 24 hours - 5 days basis. The Forex market is always "open" and is the largest financial network in the world (daily average turnover of trillions of dollars). Forex trading involves trading currency pairs such as the EUR/USD pair (Eurodollar/US dollar pair) where a buyer of this pair would actually be buying the Eurodollar and simultaneously selling short the US dollar. Here's the deal: Just like any other market, most "traders" are losing when trading Forex. And the reasons for their failure are mainly because some lack good trading methods, sound money and risk management principles and indiscipline trading attitude. In most cases, it could be wrong mindset and motive towards the market. Some don't even understand the trend of the market, of which the trend plays a vital role in the life of any trader, as it is simply says that "the trend is your friend". Moreover, many have been mislead by dishonest individuals or questionable brokers promising outwardly overnight riches and hidden policies. Forex is still a little like the "wild west", so there's naturally a lot of confusion and misinformation out there but I'm here to cover many tactics and strategies used by successful Forex traders all over the world. Unfortunately, only few Forex traders are actually aware of this information. Forex trading is all about regulation, willpower and determination. Leveraging your strength could be extravagant by organizing the appropriate Forex trading strategy. You may find hundreds and thousands of Forex trading strategies out there. All Forex trading strategies use a variety of indicators and combinations. These indicators and studies are just calculating support and resistance and trend in the Forex trading market. What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses or seminars that you'd have to pay for. Anyway, I don't believe in sugarcoating anything or giving you false hopes of success. There are enough swindlers doing that already. I want to give you the facts, like 'em or not, so you're empowered to take action and make positive decisions on how to succeed in the Forex markets. There's nothing magical about the Forex markets, because all markets are ultimately driven by human psychology - fear and greed - and supply and demand. Sure, every market has its own peculiarities, but if you understand how the basic drivers of human emotions work, you can potentially succeed big in Forex market, because the market controls 95% of live trader's emotions. Some traders think it's a "get rich quick" trading the popular Forex markets. There are many advantages of Forex trading over other types of financial instrument trading like bonds, stocks, commodities etc. But it does not mean that there are no risks involved in the Forex trading. Of course there are risks associated with Forex trading. Therefore, someone needs to understand all the terms related to Foreign Exchange carefully. There are many online sources as well as offline sources that provide hints on trading of Forex. These hints are basically the SECRETS. As I said above, the foreign exchange trading is considered as one of the most profitable and attractive opportunities for investment as any person can easily do at home or office and from any part of the world. For succeeding the Forex trading, a person is not required to do any online promotion, marketing etc. The only requirement in the Forex trading is the account that a person is required to open with reliable and registered brokers, a computer system and fast internet connection. Now, you have to be careful when opening a Forex account with any broker because some could be SCAM. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in US has jurisdiction over all Futures and Forex activity. When trading in the foreign exchange markets, individuals should only trade with a CFTC registered entity that is also a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) and is regulated by the CFTC. For non-US broker/ bank entities, be sure that the broker or bank is registered with that country's appropriate regulatory bodies. The Forex account could be opened with any amount between $300 (mini) and $2000 (standard). After opening the account, a person is required to learn how the Forex market works, demo trade and after a while go live trading. Moreover, there are some secrets that have to be followed. A person can also apply all the secrets when demo trading and can see if the secrets really work. It could be said without any doubt that if someone can apply all the secrets in right way, he/she can easily gain good money by way of Forex trading. All successful traders have Forex trading strategies that they follow to make profitable trades. These Forex trading strategies are generally based on a strategy that allows them to find good trades. And the strategy is based on some form of market analysis. Successful traders need some ways to interpret and even predict the movements of the market. There are two basic approaches to analyzing the movements of the Forex market. These are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. However, technical analysis is much more likely to be used by traders. Still, it's good to have an understanding of both types of analysis, so that you can decide which type would work best for your Forex trading strategies. There has been misconception about the Forex market because there are different types of traders and advert out there full of exaggerations that makes the business unreal to so many people and that is why I am here to show you the SECRETS in Forex Trading. What is traded on the Forex market? The answer is money. Forex trading is where the currency of one nation is traded for that of another. Therefore, Forex trading is always traded in pairs and the most commonly traded currency pairs are traded against the US Dollar (USD). They are called 'the Majors'. The major currency pairs are the Euro Dollar (EUR/USD); the British Pound (GBP/USD); the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY); and the Swiss Franc (USD/CHF). The notable 'commodity' currency pairs that traded are the Canadian Dollar (USD/CAD) and the Australian Dollar AUD/USD. Because there is no central exchange for the Forex market, these pairs and their crosses are traded over the telephone and online through a global network of banks, multinational corporations, importers and exporters, brokers and currency traders. But if you really want to make it big in the Forex market, I will strongly advise that as a "beginner" in the business. Kindly get acquainted with one or two major currency pairs. Study them very well and make sure you understand their volatility period. And to further simplify Forex trading, you could easily limit your trading to the two most liquid and widely traded pairs, the EUR/USD and the GBP/USD. This really starts to reduce demands on your time for trading activities without giving up good profit potential. Traditionally, currency trading has been a 'professionals only' market available exclusively to banks and large institutions, however, because of the invention of the new E-economy, online Forex trading firms are now able to offer trading accounts to 'retail' traders like you and I. Now almost anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can trade currencies just like the world's largest banks do.

5 Profitable Reasons to Take Advantage of Online Forex Trading

Forex trading has become extremely popular in recent years. Many newcomers to the stock market enjoy Forex trading because it's a simple way to earn profits without monitoring hundreds of company stocks. Forex trading (a. k.a. currency trading) is easy to learn, less risky for short-term profits, and can be very lucrative for those who invest wisely. Fortunately, there's online Forex trading to make things even easier. Outlined below are five profitable reasons to take advantage of currency trading online. 1. A Liquid Market Online Forex trading offers you a liquid market in which you are in control at all times. Though no profits are guaranteed, you can buy or sell at will with the simple click of the mouse. This prevents getting stuck with a particular trade. You can set the online Forex trading platform to close at a pre-determined profit level automatically, or even to close a trade if the odds are going against you. 2. Forex Margin Leverage You can leverage your money with Forex trading through a margin account deposit. Your deposit might be small when compared to many stock investments, but you can still enjoy amazing profits through leverage. Unlike the stock market, some Forex brokers will offer as much as a 200:1 leverage. This means you can invest $1,000 of your own money to create a margin of $200,000! Margin calls are used by brokers to keep risks to a minimum for you and the broker. 3. Profits for Rising or Falling Currencies With currency trading online, you can earn profits in both a rising and falling currency market. When currency pairs are up or down, you can still make big profits depending on the position you take. The "long" position means you are buying the pair at one price and selling it at a higher price later. The "short" position means you are selling the currency pair and buying it back at a lower price. The key to success in Forex trading online is to make the right picks either way. 4. Around-the-Clock Trading One thing you'll love about the Forex market is it never sleeps during its open times. You can trade in Forex 24/7, from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon. This enables you to trade at night (2nd or 3rd shift) and still work a full-time job during the day. You can also trade on a part-time basis, and you're always in control of when you trade! 5. Plenty of Forex Training for Beginners Another great thing about online Forex trading is you can learn from experienced Forex traders and brokers through online demos, newsletters, e-books, and numerous online resources. These trading tools are available free or at very low cost and can help you learn all you need to know to get started. As a beginner, you can take advantage of free currency trading demo accounts to practice trading before actually making a trade. These are absolutely risk-free because you're not trading with real money yet. Online Forex trading offers these benefits and many others. With so many useful Forex resources online, you can start trading with a very small investment and quickly work your way up to tremendous profits posted by ; collins womadi.

Money exchanging forex is not a straightforward assignment. A few merchant’s present lower stages with least low stores to get the virgin broker start exchanging. Certain merchants have moved above and beyond by permitting individuals to open a free practice account where they can begin exchanging with make-accept cash until they obtain the certainty and information to hazard their valuable wage. http://www. forexreward. org/

Have you ever thought that every time you make a transaction in the Forex market, and pay the spread or commission to the Forex broker, you can receive a cash rebate of these costs absolutely free? Now it has become possible with our Forex rebates service at forexreward. Visit us for more details.




Historical OANDA Forex Open Orders

We’ve talked about EUR/USD under pressure from a technical perspective. Using OANDA’s in-house data, we can see that Long orders below 1.29 levels has decreased significantly. This decrease the resistance any downward momentum may face should price break below 1.29 level. Â Next level of significant support may come at 1.28 where we see a consolidation of Long orders around the region.

We have observed an accumulation of sell orders around the recent swing high around 1.625. Other than that, there seems to be no other major buy/sell orders that can act as good support/resistance. It is interesting to note no significant buy orders around 1.615, with the orders seemingly disappeared 1 day ago. Perhaps sentiment of GBP/USD has changed?

Large buy orders are waiting at around 1.035 region. Hence we could see a small bounce should price hit below 1.035. However, do not regard this bounce as a full bullish reversal as short orders can come in quickly to push prices lower. Case in point, look at EUR/USD which had large buy orders around 1.29 on September 29 – Price move to 1.29 and we did see a small bounce but selling quickly resumed.

The lack of sell orders around 0.825 is telling as it suggest that probability of Kiwi rallying up back to it’s previous swing high is more likely than downside risks, which could be nicely supported around 0.818.

To look at more Historical Open Orders click here.

Forex Trading Analytics

The foreign exchange market is a jungle of numbers, prices and money. It has thousands of opportunities waiting for those bold enough, skilled enough and lucky enough to be able to take advantage of these opportunities. This however, as proven by millions of traders worldwide, is easier said than done. It is true that there are tons of opportunities but finding them is a different matter. If ever you do find one, knowing how to use them is also important yet difficult to do. So in order to prepare yourself for the upcoming tasks, you must learn how to analyze.

There are two ways which traders can choose from to analyze the foreign exchange market. The first way is by fundamental analysis. This analysis makes use of information and data regarding the factors which can influence the price of currency like politics, local laws, their government as well as their economy. The second, more common way to analyze the market is by using forex technical analysis. Technical analysis on the other hand deals with market charts and statistics.

Prices, numbers and other statistical data is the centrepiece of technical analysis. Being able to read charts would train you to identify the different trading signals in the market. You do not have to learn every signal and every trick; you only need to learn what's important depending upon your trading strategy and goals. Learn forex technical analysis today and you will be enlightened. You will figure out the best times to trade so you too can make serious money.

Timothy Stevens is a Forex Options Trader who owns http://www. NonDirectionTrading. com - He has helped hundreds of people on Trading Forex with Options.

He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your Forex Trading easier. To learn how to start Forex Trading with Options without wasting your time and losing more money, visit http://www. NonDirectionTrading. com/members/FreeReport. htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Timothy_Stevens

If you are a beginner in Forex, understanding concepts and principles can be confusing. You don't need to have a degree in accounting or business finance to appreciate the beauty and essence of money management in Forex.

Here are simple ways to understand money management in Forex:

1) Is deciding how much money you are willing to invest. Some people trade all their available money while some only trade a portion of their money at a time.

2) Takes into account the chances of making a right choice and a wrong choice. A right choice will earn you cash while a wrong choice means money is going out of your pocket. A good money management in Forex will consider the chance of making good choices. Every time you profit from an investment you can choose to reinvest it or reserve it. While on the times that you end with a wrong choice, you can either be left with no money or still have funds that will allow you to make another choice, depending on your funds management technique in Forex.

3) Investing in Forex requires understanding on how much risk you can afford to take. There is a common knowledge that the higher the risk, the higher the return. Proper management will allow you to study and analyze the risk. It will then allow you take only the risk which you are comfortable to take. Whether you are risk averse or can tolerate high risk, knowing money management can help you preserve your capital.

Timothy Stevens is a Forex Options Trader who owns http://www. NonDirectionTrading. com - He has helped hundreds of people on Trading Forex with Options.

He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your Forex Trading easier. To learn how to start Forex Trading with Options without wasting your time and losing more money, visit http://www. NonDirectionTrading. com/members/FreeReport. htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Timothy_Stevens

There is a great, new way for everyone from students to housewives to make money online. It's called forex trading and it's actually easy to get into, and easy to do. Here's why one of the easiest ways to earn income is to make money online with forex trading.

1. No Knowledge Needed!

Seriously, you really do not need a whole lot of knowledge or any experience with stocks and bonds to be successful in Forex. Of course any experience can help, and having a basic understanding behind the logic of how it all works is helpful, but still you can get up and running in an afternoon and potentially start to see profits overnight with forex trading.

2. Around the Clock Profit.

Forex runs all day and all night, 24 hours. This means around the clock potential profits. You are not limited to a certain window during the day where profits can only be made. Working around the clock means more opportunities to make profitable trades. Now does that mean you have to stay up 24/7 and monitor your computer? NO! In #3, I'll explain how major money making is possible with little time investment on your part.

3. Run Forex Trading on Autopilot!

To make money online with forex trading easily and effectively you need an automated forex trading robot program. Believe me, it's definitely worth it! This is basically how you can get started immediately with forex and potentially profit overnight. With an autopilot robot system everything is set up for you. You just download the program, start the installer, and your essentially ready to make money online with forex trading.

Here is the BEST forex trading robot program for complete automation and very high earnings - http://ForexRobotCourse. blogspot. com/

Many people have easily doubled their money in the first month using this system. Check it out - http://ForexRobotCourse. blogspot. com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Jessica_Flowers

Trading foreign currency is a money-making pursuit that many small investors have sunk their teeth into. The forex market, however, isn't for the uninitiated. To better prepare to enter this world, it's a good idea for day traders to consider basic forex training before they start placing buy and sell orders.

There are a number of reasons why beginning traders might want to consider forex training before jumping in with both feet and an open wallet. Incluyen:

•Getting a hang of the language - Forex trading does come with its own special slang that investors need to understand. For example, the word pip is used to describe standard ups and downs in currency. Unlike the stock market where gains are often valued in whole dollars and cents, foreign currency exchanges often take place with ups and downs measured in points of percentage. While this is a tiny number, it can add up fast (in either the win or loss column) when real money is riding on how this translates in value.

•Learning about indicators - Just like the stock market, there are a number of indicators forex investors follow. The basic long and short-term trends are often not enough to help investors predict ups and downs in currency. Indicators can also play a role.

•Getting a grasp on risk management - Forex training can prove invaluable not only for teaching would be investors about strategy, but also how to protect their earnings and cut their losses before they add up to too much. Risk management is as essential in this market as learning about winning strategies.

Forex training courses for day traders and even big-time investors are available in a number of locations. Would be investors will find plenty of training materials available to them through brokerage firms, the Internet and printed publications.

For more information on how to trade Forex, Forex trading strategies and other Forex related topics visit TheFreeForexGuide. com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=James_Balkers

There is a HUGE forex opportunity taking place right now that has to do with automation, simplicity, and basically not having to know and perform all the technical jargon formerly needed to understand and be successful at forex trading. This automation comes in the form of forex autopilot systems.

An autopilot system eliminates all the hard work that you previously had to do to make a lot of money. Before, even if you knew how to make a lot of money with forex, it was still incredibly time intensive; you had to spend hours in front of the computer in order to bring in the money, monitor trends and changes and react quickly to potential trading opportunities that arise.

Now, with this forex opportunity involving a robot system everything becomes automated. There's no longer a need to sit in front of the computer and monitor everything. In fact, some systems can have you making money even when your computers off.

Another advantage this forex opportunity has, is the fact that human error is eliminated. The process runs much more accurately. It relies on calculated numbers, algorithms, and probabilities and is immune to human mistake.

Since the forex market is open 24 hours, an autopilot robot program is ideal for making a lot of money as it works around the clock analyzing changes in the market, and responding incredibly fast for any trading opportunities that arise.

Whether you are just getting into forex trading or you've been at it a while and struggling, an automated robot system is the best way to go to be very profitable with forex trading.

Here is an excellent Forex Autopilot Robot program for doubling your money in a month - http://ForexRobotCourse. blogspot. com

Everything is automated, and it's incredibly simple to get started with. You actually get started today with it. Check it out at http://ForexRobotCourse. blogspot. com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle

Since you are reading this, I am going to safely assume that you want to be a successful day trader. With so many products out there trying to make profit off of your need to earn, I felt the need to sit down and write what the best way to day trade really is. That and with all the debating over what is the right way, I feel people are missing the point. People like to make things way harder than they really are because they feel like it must be more complex. We've all done it whether it has to do with education, our personal lives, or our careers. Now is the time to make this as simple as possible. It will cut back on the stress, make you a lot of good money, and possibly even cut back on our medical bills!

While doing research for this article, it was surprising to find issues I thought were settled still being discussed. This article will help clear the air on the subject of how to trade stress free. You can learn a lot about Forex Trading when you take some time to research it and I've made it easier for you. I've made it easier by focusing on the most important aspects. So, lets sit back and relax. Put down the stress ball. This will be an enjoyable and informative read.

The first thing we really need to clarify is that day trading is a losing battle for 95% of the current day traders. They typically lose their entire account within 90 days. The last 5% are successful, but that is because they have a simple system. They typically do not follow any indicators besides price. This indicator is the best, because it has stood strongly through the test of time.

These traders have learned how to have time for their personal lives and still be able to make a fantastic amount of money. If we follow the steps provided the percentage of successful day traders will get higher. This is a very lucrative job with a lot of money to earn and the Online Forex System follows a few simple steps. They keep you out of the market when it is not profitable, there is absolutely no stressful trading, there is consistent and hefty earnings, they produces fantastic returns; all of this providing a fail safe way to trade. Finally, the Forex system removes most if not all emotion. It will not allow you to take the profits early.

The goal with this system is to make over trading a thing of the past. No more losing money in these tumultuous times. Earn, earn, earn! It has been proven time and time again that most day traders are not doing it right and it has also been proven that following the indication of price will be the right move every time. So, lets say this again because I do not believe we can ever say it enough: Follow the price of the trade! You will not regret it.

For information on Forex RSI and other trading terms, please visit us at Free Daily Forex Advice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Douglas_T_Adams

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Central Bank Rates

Forex Analysis | Forex Market

Karachi Stock Exchange - Pakistan

Our channel checks suggest that the much touted International Clearing House (ICH) mechanism is very close to implementation. The only concerns at the moment are the objections raised by the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP), where we expect the Ministry of Information and Technology (MoIT) to amicably address the concerns of CCP. ICH will lead to the revival of the LDI sector in our view and should result in multiple rerating for the sector. While the market has today partially priced in the optimism from ICH as far as PTC is concerned (forward EPS could jump to PkR7.2 ex-VSS), we believe that the smaller telco players (TELE, WTL and WTCL) should also be in for a sustained bull run.

ICH key terms: In order to enhance the understanding of our readers, we have provided definitions/explanations of some of the telecom jargon (Source: Access Promotion Rules 2004):

i) Approved Settlement Rate (ASR): Half of the Approved Accounting Rate (AAR), which is the rate that a license negotiates with a foreign service provider for handling of one minute of international telephony.

ii) Access Promotion Charge (APC): Payments made by LDI licensees to LL (Local Loop) licensees or to the Universal Service Fund. It is the charge which an LDI operator pays to LL operator for termination of calls on the LL system. Recall that PTCL is the main LL operator in the country, so unlike other LDI’s, it will not have to pay APC, instead it will receive APC payments from other LDI operators.

The market dynamics: Total market size for incoming calls inclusive of the grey traffic is

2bn minutes per month. Presently, the incoming traffic is mostly coming through legal channels owing to extremely low incoming rates. Post ICH we do see a significant fall in incoming traffic due to i) higher ASR will encourage grey traffic as well as shift towards VoIP platforms like SKYPE, ii) lower demand (demand elasticity), and iii) increase in outgoing traffic where currently outgoing traffic represents

23% of total international traffic in Pakistan. Despite the said changes, we believe that incoming traffic through the legal channel should still average at around

1bn min/month, where stricter monitoring, investment in infrastructure to prevent illegal traffic and need for greater voice quality should help curb grey minutes. VoIP is a concern for telcos globally and as per ‘TeleGeography’, VoIP accounted for

30% of global international traffic.

Earnings impact: ICH will be a game changer for the listed telecom sector, particularly PTC, as the company will have 50% share in revenues from ICH, furthermore, unlike other LDI operators, PTC will actually receive APC and will not have to pay 15% of its LDI margin towards the settlement of USF dues. We estimate incremental per minute revenue of Usc7.5/min for PTC and Usc5.0/min for the other LDI operators. Post creation of ICH, the bargaining power of PTC would be enhanced as it will be the only LDI operator, making it easy for PTC to negotiate the higher ASR rates with foreign operators. Below we have provided earning sensitivity to incoming traffic, where assuming 1bn min/month, the incremental revenue of PTC will amount to PkR42.75bn, resulting in an annualized EPS impact of PkR5.45. The earnings sensitivity of the Telecom sector provided on the previous page assumes a market share of 50% for PTC,

Recommendation: We highlight PTC as the major gainer from the ICH. Assuming recurring consolidated EPS of PTC of PkR1.75, forward EPS under ICH at monthly traffic of 1bn min could go up to PkR7.2 (ex-VSS), which in turn could conceivably bump up our target price to PkR50/share (assuming market P/E multiple of 7.0x). Similarly, TELE would also be a key beneficiary of the development (second highest EPS impact) followed by WTCL and WTL which should lead to multiple re-rating of these scrips in our view. We recommend a BUY stance on the sector with PTC being our conviction pick.

Risks to our call: CCP presents the biggest road block to our call, however we expect MoIT to amicably address the concerns of CCP, where the government itself would be a major beneficiary of the ICH in the form of higher foreign exchange earnings as well as improving the marketability of the telecom sector for 3G license auction. Another risk would be a huge jump in grey traffic, which could force PTA to reduce ASR in order for the sector to remain competitive. In this regard, a Usc1/min change in ASR will lead to a 13% reduction in our earnings estimates for PTC and 20% for other LDI operators.

The USD/CAD pair was trading in oversold position within a wide range bearish channel which is depicted on the chart in red, when the pair broke through the upper limit of the short term bearish channel presented on the chart in Blue indicating a possible bullish retracement towards price level of 0.9970 seen on Wednesday with two successful retestings of the backside of the broken channel at 0.9888 then at 0.9845 on Tuesday.

Breakout above the bearish Blue channel gives the opportunity for the USD/CAD pair to visit the upper limit of the longer term channel around the price level of 1.0025 as long as the pair is trading within the current consolidation range above 0.9845. However, the pair found resistance around price level of 0.9945 which pushed the USD/CAD pair to the backside of the broken channel 0.9845 again before further continuation of the bullish movement.

Price level of 1.0025 corresponds to Fibonacci levels of 50% and 78.6% of the most recent two bearish swings. That's why price action should be watched there for a valid long term SELL entry with SL located above 1.0080.

The GBP/USD pair has resumed its bullish movement recording a higher high last Thursday at 1.5912 after breaking through 1.5750 and reaching the upper limit of the depicted channel which served as supply zone for the pair.

GBP/USD bullish movement was maintained within the depicted movement channel. However, on Friday the market witnessed some expected bearish retracement which was seen on Tuesday too.

The lower limit of the movement channel as well as the significant Support level, located between 1.5750-1.5770, were tested showing a strong bullish price action which indicated a valid low risk BUY entry as expected with SL located below 1.5700.

The most significant Resistance level is located around 1.5910; this price level was tested last week expressing obvious bearish reaction which pushed the GBP/USD pair towards the lower limit of the depicted movement channel yesterday. That's why bullish movement should break through this level in order to make other bullish swings.

Breakthrough above price level of 1.5850 is essential today in order to reach the next resistance level at 1.5910.

AUD/USD Elliott Wave

For the last 2 weeks the AUD/USD pair was trading in a strong downward move, developing corrective wave A (coloured green) of the bigger wave (E) (coloured orange). Yesterday during the early European session we could observe an ascending movement towards the 1.0397 level (new daily high). Therefore, at the beginning of the New York session this currency pair did not manage to hold this level and the price pushed lower reaching a 1.0347 level. At the moment the AUD/USD pair is trading around 1.0328 level and we are expecting to see the price around 0.9825 level in a few weeks. In accordance with our wave rules and taking into account that the wave E retraces 61.8% of the wave C, we can define the potential targets by measuring wave C, with Take Profit 1 at 0.9974 (50% of wave C) and Take Profit 2 at 0.9824 (61.8% of wave C) To reduce the risk, we can use resistance at 1.0410 as Stop Loss. Also it is necessary to monitor the U. S. Prelim GDP q/q, Pending Home Sales m/m, Crude Oil Inventories, Beige Book and EU German Prelim CPI m/m data that can change the rate of the pair.

Soporte y Resistencia

(S3) 1.0283 (S2) 1.0315 (S1) 1.0332 (PP) 1.0364 (R1) 1.0381 (R2) 1.0413 (R3) 1.0430

Proceeding from Elliott Wave rules today, the trend is expected to begin the downward movement. That is why short positions at level 1.0315 with Stop Loss 1.0410, Take Profit 1 0.9974 and Take Profit 2 0.9824 are recommended.

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